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Signal has been blocked by Venezuela and Russia
  • It doesn't matter if it is a business entity operating under a government then you can never really know because gag orders. Centralized servers can be blocked. Telegram and Signal apps could have a back door. This is why open stack is important. And not just the code. Also encryption is default for p2p one on one conversations. It's not in channels by default because it can complicate public use.

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    Signal has been blocked by Venezuela and Russia
  • Yeah the main thing is that the ports and addresses can change and it's nbd. From a firewall perspective, it's impossible to block them all. Especially when the clients are doing mundane https requests. Even if the server goes down or partial connectivity, the channel can still be used.

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    Signal has been blocked by Venezuela and Russia
  • It cannot be easily blocked especially if you use your own homeserver every homeserver replicates the channel and it can operate without the original server! That's why signal and telegram are inherently flawed.

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    Signal has been blocked by Venezuela and Russia
  • I can answer this! All matrix calls are over https APIs. Ports and addresses are stored in a text file on the base domain or in DNS txt entry.

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  • Yeah I've been trying to figure out why republicans want to cancel student debt forgiveness so bad as it literally taking money out of the economy. Even worse, that money is already spent. I guess they assume people just hold onto all that extra money, now the government wants it back... Like what the duck. My credits already shot because of this mess.

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    Nothing sells 100,000 CMF Phone 1 units in three hours
  • Nothing phone is such a fucking joke there are 0 replacement parts available. I broke my camera a few weeks after I got my nothing phone 2 and your only option is to ship the phone to the UK. The advertise as consumer friendly but that couldn't be further from the truth.

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    Amarok might be coming back in 2024
  • I don't really want to use Amarok, I much prefer the notoriety and active support that strawberry has. I used Amarok for a long time and it died. I would much prefer contributions to strawberry be made. Maybe it can be revised or something. I'm certainly not waiting till end of 2024 for a buggy replacement of something that already works well. By all means contribute anywhere you liked but it seems like a duplication of effort

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    BitTorrent is No Longer the ‘King’ of Upstream Internet Traffic
  • Truthfully BT is about to explode with DHT once bitmagnet implements indexing it will be game over. You can just point it at a folder with your files and every torrent that ever contained that file will be seeded automatically no matter what folder or name it has. Everyone has gig connections now.

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    Finland detects more GPS jammers as drivers increasingly try to hide their tracks | Yle News | Yle
  • I would use one for privacy but there would be black vans following me around and probably land a felony. It is really easy to track these things. All they have to do is look for big blob of gps unavailable bubble moving around and they can also triangulate the signal with fairly cheap tools. Jamming is just spamming noise after all.
