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I fuckin' knew it!
  • Ever hear of flat Bigfoot theory? The reason there aren't any good pictures is he turns 90 degrees and becomes too thin to see.

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    TIL: How DuPont Knowingly Poisoned Americans With PFAS For Over 50 Years
  • Yeah. The system as it stands is unbelievably destructive and oppressive. But you don't have any incentive to make it better without stepping outside of it or drastically changing it.

    So I'll just make snide, unhelpful comments on socmed and call it good lol

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    Good morning I choose innovation on this beautiful day.
  • Now it needs an auxiliary fuel tank on top of the car that equalizes the fuel level between the tank in the generator and the tank in the car.

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    Radical acceptance
  • "Attractive privilege".

    I acknowledge the possibility of attractive people being involuntarily celibate, but I suspect that is is much less likely than for unattractive people.
