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What an original post that you've thought up here...
  • I find it hard to grasp how these folks just don't seem to notice what a grifter Trump actually is.
    Nobody with a moral backbone could ever do half the stuff Trump did before, during, and after his presidency.

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    Blow for Rishi Sunak as IFS says Tories oversaw ‘worst income growth for generations’
  • What?! You mean to tell me that cutting funding to various public services and cutting taxes for the rich did nothing to help the general public?!
    Next thing you'll be telling me is that trickle-down economics is a load of shite

    (/s for anyone who needed it)

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    real progressivism = against hate of all kinds
  • It continues to astound me this has to be stated as a political position, as though objecting to Israel committing mass genocide against Palestinians somehow makes you an antisemite.

    Mass killing of innocent people is always wrong, no matter who is doing it.

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    A beginner's guide to nationalism
  • "The economy" these days is just a nickname for the rich man's game - the stocks, shares, and speculation that have nothing to do with the average person's lived experience.

    The average person could be near-destitute, but because the rich man's numbers are going up, tHe EcOnOmY iS dOiNg JuSt FiNe!

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    A beginner's guide to nationalism
  • Exactly.

    People think they're rich when they've won the lottery, and sure they are compared to the average person, but they're just a fly on the wall in comparison to the ultra-wealthy.

    I simply don't believe one can become that wealthy by any honest means - you can't work to get that wealthy, you can't win to become that wealthy, hell there are plenty of entire countries with less money than some of the ultra-wealthy.

    The fact that these people can play around with such an unimaginably absurd amount of wealth while so many more struggle, their wildest dreams but a fragment of a fragment of a fragment of what these people have, I find to be absurd.

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    A beginner's guide to nationalism
  • Just deleted the duplicate, thanks for the heads up

    But that's it. That cognitive dissonance is just part of the veil, same as the meme above.
    The poor folks who get absorbed by the veil think they're a shoe-in to the rich, when they couldn't be further away - they'd have better chances of being picked to go to space than becoming part of the ultra-wealthy.

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    A beginner's guide to nationalism
  • It's such a laughably weak veil the rich pull over people's eyes I'm surprised more folks don't figure this out.

    It's sickening to watch the rich people play their game with no care in the world whilst the working families are struggling just to feed their themselves.

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    A beginner's guide to nationalism
  • It's such a laughably weak veil the rich pull over people's eyes I'm surprised more folks don't figure this out.

    It's sickening to watch the rich people play their game with no care in the world whilst the working families are struggling just to feed their themselves.

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    None for me, thanks
  • Yup. Autocorrect strikes again

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    None for me, thanks
  • I agree with the OOP, it should be lit... on fire

    Edit: damn you autocorrect

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    Israel Threatens 'Severe Consequences' for Nations Who Recognize Palestine
  • So their punishment to other countries for recognising Palestine is to intensify their Palestinian genocide?

    How can anyone see this and not realise that this whole thing was never about Hamas, they were just an excuse to finally get the ball rolling.

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    Anon catches her boyfriend in a private moment
  • Anyone who icks over their partner having a little bit of harmless, dumb fun doesn't deserve their partner IMO

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    A very confusing graph posted by the GovBC account
  • Took me a minute, but it actually isn't that bad. The size of the last two sections represent the additional % on top of the previous...

    Having said that, there must've been a better, less confusing way to represent this data

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    Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden
  • Isn't this the same old "ThE eCoNoMy Is DoInG gReAt, WhY aRe YoU cOmPlAiNiNg?" BS as always?

    The average person doesn't care how well the rich people's game is going if they're struggling to afford their groceries because of said rich people's game.

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    PC Gaming Is Growing Faster Than Consoles, Data Shows
  • The mainstream consoles nowadays basically are locked-down computers anyway, so makes sense that people are skipping the live-services middleman and going straight to PC

    Unless you care about exclusives, then PCs are the better all-rounder IMO, and don't need a yearly payment on top of your internet bill

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    Wore out playing with the cross body bag.
  • I was just surprised to see el cheapo in the wild - though for a cheap backpack it's surprisingly durable, out-lasted some of my nicer packs haha

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    The Sultan doesn't approve of the age gap
  • Jafar my guy, just order the Sultan to make gay marriage legal than order him to marry you - problem solved without being just shy of a pedo.

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    OpenAI says Sky voice in ChatGPT will be paused after concerns it sounds too much like Scarlett Johansson
  • Whelp, we're one step ever closer to terminators. Just gotta let Boston Dynamics cook now

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    Nathan's should sue
  • Honestly, if you replaced those olives with pepper slices, and that "Queso" with something that looked slightly less artificial than the hotdog its covering, that might not be so bad.

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    Nathan's should sue
  • Tell you what, your avatar pic is awfully appropriate right now
