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Netanyahu, accused of 'abandoning' hostages, says cease-fire deal may not happen
  • LMAO doing a cease fire wasn't the plan since the begining, they will keep pushing that fake rethoric just to make Kamala win votes as she will continue supporting Israel if she wins the election.

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    Is Debian with automatic updates a good idea?
  • On desktop I usually do manual installation of updates(mostly cos I don't want to get any important running program restarted), in servers I use automatic updates via cron job as part of the automation process, these two work for me.

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    Why don't cell phones have BIOS?
  • Cell phones do not have a BIOS like traditional PCs; instead, they use a bootloader, which serves a similar purpose. The bootloader initializes hardware and loads the operating system, but it is specific to each device's hardware, limiting compatibility with different operating systems. This lack of a standardized BIOS-like system makes it difficult for users to install alternative operating systems and leads to fragmentation in the mobile ecosystem. Manufacturers may avoid implementing a BIOS to reduce costs and maintain control over software updates.

  • Newsweek headline rewrites Trump's pledge to eliminate taxes on tips as 'Kamala Harris' tax proposal'

    X users accused Newsweek of misleading readers with a headline attributing GOP support for Donald Trump's no tax on tips policy to Kamala Harris.

    4 Trump Celebrated Email Hacks. His Campaign Wants Their Own Docs to Stay Private

    Donald Trump urged Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails so journalists could cover them. Today, his campaign has different advice for reporters.


    I'm doing a research about proto-ideologies, I would like to know if there is someone who can recommend literature of this subject.

    Edit: I'm not asking for personal opinions, I just want to know about related literature.


    Hello pirate community, now that Netflix is ​​going to eliminate the basic ads-free plan, what is the best way to avoid said ads? I don't think that the DNS blocking will work or will it? It must be some modified app or something like that? I know that the best thing will be to get the content externally through torrents but I want something that is friendly for people who are not tech savvy. Thanks!!

    6 As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

    The first-in-the-nation law in Colorado includes biological or brain data in the State Privacy Act, similar to fingerprints if the data is being used to identify people.


    I'm not the kind who give a fuck about what other people usually do unless it directly affect me but I'm wondering what's the opinion about this on Lemmy.



    Edit: maybe at some point, the police will be able to read our thoughts to know if we are innocent or guilty with a non-invasive device.


    I have experience in running servers, but I would like to know if it's possible to do it, I just need a GPT 3.5 like private LLM running.
