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What operating system do you use for your home server? I’m planning to do unraid but what are the other options and why would you pick one or another?
  • I use Fedora.
    Why not Promox or unraid or any of those? Because I didn't see a personal benefit to it over Linux+libvirt+qemu (I'm sure there is a benefit, I just don't care enough to find out) Why not Arch/Debian/Ubuntu/etc? Because I partially use it as a way to learn or practice things from work and I want to stick as close to RHEL as possible.

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    What's the biggest reason you self-host?
  • I started self-hosting a few years ago for privacy reasons. Now I do it for a mix of reasons. I got my current job because I was one of the only applicants who had experience using Linux outside of a classroom. Last weekend I spent a day learning how podman play kube worked because it was fun and because it'll be useful to know for a new app we're deploying at work.'s certainly not cost though. This shit gets expensive.
