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Is it a good idea to let a 16 yrs old use an AI assistant .i.e. chatgpt?
  • You cannot let or forbid a 16yo to use stuff. You can only decide whether they will do it in the open or in hiding. Personally I'd rather have them talk to me about it than hide it from me.

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    Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature
  • I'm still confused why people are so hell bent on using a single window exclusively. It's a natural way to group the tabs and it was there from day one!

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    Never understand
  • them trying to get out of ever having kids

    As if it was a bad thing. Or the doctor's decision for that matter. If they don't want to have kids, it's well within their right to keep it this way.

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    Is apple now reading my keyboard inputs?
  • The only thing we know without a proof is that they might be doing it. We don't have a proof they do it but we also don't have any proof they are incapable of doing so. A reasonable course of action would be to take precautions against it while not condemning them either, until they are either proven actually guilty or actively unwilling to up their security, which would also strongly imply the former.

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    Is apple now reading my keyboard inputs?
  • Until it's proven the data is E2E encrypted, it's a fair assumption it can be read by a 3rd party, either now or in the future. E2EE is the only proof that matters, everything else is just a corporate "trust me bro".

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    The AI feedback loop: Researchers warn of ‘model collapse’ as AI trains on AI-generated content
  • I'm sure we can compromise on a mandatory database of registered AI-generated content that only the corporations can read from but everyone using AI-generated content is required by law to write to, with hefty fines (but only for regular people).

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    You can only pick 2 games from steam to play for the rest of your life, what games are they?
  • The same could be said about any game with any non-Steam availability. I don't think that was OP's intent. That being said, emulators surely were not the intent either.

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    Often we say infinite growth (capitalism) is not sustainable and reasonable. Can we also say infinite progressivism is also not sustainable and reasonable?
  • Making quality tools due to long-standing processes is definitely a different breed of tradition than oppressing minorities because they don't fit someone's "traditional" worldview.

    To better illustrate my first post: The Victorinox craft isn't high quality because it's a tradition. It became a tradition because it's high quality. If we subtract it being a tradition, we still have a reason to keep making it this way. The same cannot be said about oppressing people, unless one literally views human suffering as value added.

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    Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • Still not a name. "My name is John Smith and I'm a staff sergeant" is fine. "My name is Staff Sergeant Smith" is just silly and makes a person look full of themselves.
