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Tightrope - Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica
    Sep. 18, 2024 
     T   I   G   H   T   R   O   P   E 
    ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 ✅ 🎉
    My Score: 2070
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    Will AI replace iOS devs? I am getting worried about the hype.
  • Only time will tell I guess, but it seems to me like they've trained what they can train, it stopped getting better a while ago, and the core issues of reliability are unsolvable problems.

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    Ideas for storing electrons and or light in a container
  • We can already store electrons in a container, we call that a capacitor. You separate 2 conductive plates with a dielectric and then connect the plates to a voltage source to deposit electrons on one side and remove electrons from the other (creating a difference in electric potential). You can then disconnect the voltage source and you will have electrons in a bottle. When you connect those plates to another circuit, they will discharge. The more surface area you have, the more electrons you can store. Electrolytic capacitors tightly roll the conductors into a spiral for space efficiency.

    This cannot be used to gain any more energy than you used to put them all in there.

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    Will AI replace iOS devs? I am getting worried about the hype.
  • I think we've seen pretty much the limit of what LLMs can pretend to do. They can sort of spit out code snippets in a stack overflow kind of way, but are not capable of starting with a set of requirements and producing a complex program. Programming has never been about remembering all the syntax and having all the design patterns memorized, that's what documentation and search engines are for. Programming is engineering a complete, maintainable solution given a set of requirements.

    I do think LLMs will eat Stack Overflow's lunch as a source of quick code snippets for programmers to copy/paste.

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    Tightrope - Monday, September 16, 2024
  • Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica
    Sep. 18, 2024 
     T   I   G   H   T   R   O   P   E 
    ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 ✅ 🎉
    My Score: 2070
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    Hexcodle #405
  • I got Hexcodle #405 in 5! Score: 55%
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    Taskmaster series 18, episode 1 - The faceless facilitators
  • In the studio task, did Rosie just completely fluke into the right answer with a vaguely plausible reason?

    Only time will tell, but I think she's dialed right into Alex's nerdy little jokes. If that continues she may well dominate.

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    Hexcodle #403
    I got Hexcodle #403 in 5! Score: 55%
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    Explain like I am a moron. If the US is such apparently a badass super power it has never tried to take over another country to expand its influence and status?
  • Manifest Destiny is pretty much that. The US fought Mexico, Spain, and British Canada, exploited the political situation in Europe to buy a huge chunk of land from France, and displaced or killed hundreds of thousands of native people. The US is the 4th largest country by area. Having that much contiguous land is insanely valuable and powerful. By the time the US would have even had to think about colonizing like the Europeans it was going out of style.

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    What Star Trek media did you watch in the past week? - 09/04/2024
  • VOY 3x8,3x9,3x10,3x11, and 3x12. I haven't seen Voyager since it originally aired and my partner has never seen it. This is a really interesting point in the series for me.

    The good: the doctor gets the mobile emitter. This is the first really big change in the show structure and more doctor is always better. Plus, Future's End (3x8 and 3x9) is a really fun 2-parter with great guests.

    The bad: the lack of character or circumstance development really starts to drag by this point. I know there's the big shakeup at the end of season 3 and I'm extremely ready for it. Warlord (3x10) tries to be a big Kes episode to circle back to her psychic powers but like everything it goes nowhere. Not to mention I know her story goes nowhere so it's hard to be excited about anything she does.

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    When tax forms demand irrelevant information -- what if you refuse?
  • In general, if you come to the correct number nothing will happen. You are technically committing perjury if you knowingly put incorrect information on a tax form, so I would avoid doing that to make a point. Do you have any specific examples of form fields you feel are overly intrusive?

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    What Differentiates a Good Developer From a Bad Developer?
  • Some ok takes here and some weird ones. I understand this is supposed to be a simply written article but I think "clean" and "messy" are way too reductive in this type of discussion without more context.

    While I do think many good developers are passionate, it does not take passion to adhere to good practices. I don't expect a bridge designer to be passionate about bridges, I expect them to follow best practices and a good bridge will follow.

    Accurate estimates are only possible when tasks are well defined and well scoped. A bad developer will still give you an estimate on a nebulous task, a good developer will tell you there needs to be more investigation.

    All code will have bugs, a good developer isn't someone who never makes bugs. This is why testable code is important.

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    Linxicon #198
    Game #198
    Shortest path: 7 (Avg. 7)
    Total words: 13 (Avg. 13)
    🟦🟦🟦🟪🟪🟥🟥 | 🔥 1
  • NSA releases copy of internal lecture delivered by computing giant Rear Adm. Grace Hopper

    FORT MEADE, Md. — In one of the more unique public proactive transparency record releases for the National Security Agency (NSA) to date, NSA has released a digital copy of a lecture that then-Capt.

    Reddit mods now just default to IP bans
  • From the linked discussion it looks like there's a new feature rolling out where mods can activate "automatic ban evasion protection" during a ban. Mods don't get given any additional info about the user but it gets set up automatically on the back end.
