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South Korea battles surge of deepfake pornography after thousands found to be spreading images
  • Good. The possibility has always existed, but the advancements in diffusion models made creating this kind of content trivial and it should be clear that spreading around images without consent have serious consequences. Especially since a lot of times the targets are teenagers.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are the same price and I will send the last one year old and I will send the other two back in a bit


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    Olympic gymnast Giorgia Villa is sponsored by parmesan and takes many photos with a wheel of cheese
  • Original Parmesan cheese is lactose free after 12 months of seasoning (good ones are generally 24-48 months). The one in the picture says 2012, so it's safe to assume that your daughter can eat the whole wheel and not be affected by the lactose intolerance at all!

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    These are the jobs that AI can’t replace
  • Good points. There have been tests on self driving trucks, but not much more. My opinion is that the tools are not mature enough, and the industry is not willing to risk putting trucks on the road that may get stuck in the middle of the trip, because there is a roadblock and it cannot circumvent it, or that it goes on big detours because it somehow sees non-existing roadblocks.

    Also there is still a problem of liability. If a truck fails to give way to an ambulance or a firefighter truck, or if it gets in an accident, who is responsible? The manufacturer in theory, unless they waive responsibility to the owner of the truck, and in that case what company would risk their face and money on a technology that has not proven itself?

    All in all, at the moment I see a lot of reasons to doubt the technology, and few reasons to embrace it, unless it becomes trustworthy enough that it is economically viable.

    Ps. Putting trucks on a fixed route, in a convoy, feels a lot like re-inventing the train haha

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    These are the jobs that AI can’t replace
  • I agree with your opinion that all this companies are illegally abusing the content freely available on the internet to train this models.

    What annoyed me in the article, is that they are talking about "what jobs AI will steal" and immediately gave it abilities that it does not currently have (and I've seen it a lot of this on fear mongering type of articles). It reminded me on all the articles "truck drivers will be out of job in 3 months".

    It does not find content on the Internet (Gemini, copilot, ... Is trying to give it that functionality, with hilarious results). It does not act in any way.

    If you want to put it in simple terms, the current AI is a tool that reads a lot of content, and when you ask it something it gives you an answer trying to recall something and forming a coherent answer (hence all the hallucinations). It is extremely good at forming coherent answers, quite bad at giving correct answers and absolutely incapable of haveing other types of functionality (though they are trying hard to create new multi-agent tools that on paper are capable of independently searching for information, or using other tools to get the answer it needs, but it still fails a lot of times).

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    These are the jobs that AI can’t replace
  • "Given that ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI create their output by synthesizing what they find on the internet"

    Wow that is almost, but not completely, the opposite of what it does. And given its current form, it cannot really replace much (and we don't really know how it will look in the future, or if it will be much better than how it is now).

    Looking at self driving cars, how much money was thrown at the problem, and how far are we still from looking at a fully self driving car, I would say AI replacing jobs is 90% marketing and 10% substance (there are fields where it is becoming very effective, like for example machine translation).

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    The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • The article is from May 19, 2022. I can find very little information about the vote of this Wednesday. While I don't doubt its authenticity, I find it unlikely that it would pass. Last time they tried, doing it much more loudly and going as far as spreading disinformation campaigns on TV and in social media, they still completely failed at having the legislation passed. To me it looks like someone is finishing their mandate, so they are scrambling to show that they are doing the work they have been paid to do (by lobbist, obviously not by the people).

    I hope I will not be proven wrong.

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    Tesla finally releases Autopilot safety data after more than a year
  • Saving you a click:

    Interestingly, Q1 2023, which Tesla is only releasing now, showed a significant decrease in miles driven between accidents compared to the same period for the year prior, which might explain why Tesla stopped releasing the data at that time.

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    Pills (Take Two)
  • Thank you for doing what I was too lazy to do.

    I agree that 4 random pills is the best choice, also it is not specified that you must consume them (so if you get something bad you just dump or sell it).

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    Fucking Trudeau
  • Sorry to hear that, take care!

    Thanks for the clarification, now I learned even more! Here we have something with a similar name (sorbetto) that is actually very different (it's a beverage)... So confusing!

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    Fucking Trudeau
  • I just thought it was a fancy way to call it so that stores could overprice it (never been to the US yet, but I have seen shops call it like that all around Europe). Today I discovered I was very wrong!

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    Fucking Trudeau
  • TIL that in other countries ice cream always contains some kind of milk. Don't let this person come to Italy or they will be very disappointed in the lack of milk in almost all kinds of fruit flavored ice creams...

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    European Police Chiefs call for industry and governments to take action against end-to-end encryption roll-out
  • And it is with the good old "think of the children". They keep trying to sneak in legislation at EU level to kill privacy, I dread to see the day when it will pass (especially if at the next elections there will be a shift to the right)...

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    Trump Privately Rages About His Sketch Artist, Courtroom Nap Reports
  • So how long before we hear about New York courtroom random sketch artists getting death threats?

    If I understood anything about the MAGA people is that they are fast at getting angry but slow at understanding what they should be angry about...

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    The US has so much space
  • This blew my European mind. Not because of the length of the road, but because it's only 7$.... Where I live highways are bloody expensive!

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    Tesla Software Update Traps TikToker Inside 115-Degree Car
  • "Before you go jumping to conclusions about her ineptitude, Brianna Janel was actually following the rules laid out by Tesla."

    From the article. And from her own video she confirmed she was never in any threat for her health or her life. She just followed the VERY dumb instructions given her for fear it would damage her car... The only idiots here are the engineer at Tesla, that gives instructions that makes no practical sense (the manual opening of the door could damage the car... Seriously? How could you make a door that could be damaged of opened manually, especially if you do not expect the automatic mode of operation to be fully functional 100% of the time?)
