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Israel recruits African refugees for Gaza operations in exchange for settled status
  • Want to bet how many of them actually get status? My bet is zero. They will just be redeployed until they die in Gaza. And ones that do get out will not get status on a technicality.

    This is a win-win for Israel. Fewer asylum seekers, and fewer Israelis (the good, white kind) die.

    This is so depressing 😔

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    Crisis at Jewish Chronicle as stories based on ‘wild fabrications’ are withdrawn
  • Perry told the Observer that “the JC made a huge mistake with its statement”. He described the criticism as a “witch-hunt… caused by jealousy from Israeli journalists and outlets who could not obtain the details that I managed to.”

    Ah yes. The Trump method. Call it a witch hunt when you realize they caught on to your bs.

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    Three Israeli border guards shot dead at Allenby Crossing between West Bank and Jordan
  • So let me get this straight. Israelis are not allowed to use this border crossing but they are guarding it? Makes total sense if you’re Israel I guess.

    They also use the term civilian very loosely when it comes to their own citizens, I guess every Israeli is a civilian and every Palestinian is a fighter. Cool cool cool.

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    The Israeli army continues to escalate its attacks on the Gaza Strip during the polio vaccination campaign
  • Do these numb nuts think they won’t bring polio back home? Or that it will just stop at the border because it can’t cross a line on a map?

    Beyond this being egregiously evil, it’s also extremely stupid.

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    Netanyahu denies responsibility for Israeli hostages' death, accuses Hamas of impeding talks
  • “Israel would not rest until it catches those responsible for the murdering of six hostages,” Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement.

    Unless they were killed by Israel. Then we pretend it never happened. Well, maybe we’ll say oops if we really can’t deny it was our fault.

    Why would Hamas kill the only leverage they have?

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    I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn't care.
  • Ah yes, the same NYT that made up stories about the “woman in the black dress” and refused to retract the story even when her family came forward to say they made it up? That NYT?

    Nice to see they haven’t changed /s

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    IDF says slain Al Jazeera reporter was a Hamas commando, took part in Oct. 7 massacre
  • You would think so, that’s common sense after all, but that’s exactly what they did when they murdered the World Central Kitchen staff back in April. They don’t care how obvious the lie is, they never see consequences anyway.

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    Federal plan's cap on coverage for incontinence care products 'inhumane' and 'offensive,' say chief, doctor
  • Wow, that’s gross. Five a day? I think any healthy human being uses the washroom more than five times a day. And yes, I know these products can contain more, but the question is; should we let them sit in their filth because we can? I think that’s horrific

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    Feds look to limit farmers' ancient practice of saving seed
  • “Food prices are going up. We have no idea why. Must suck to not be able to pay for food. Guess there’s nothing we can do 🤷.” - the government in a couple years probably

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    Israeli soldiers film themselves stealing aid from starving Gazans
  • Isn’t it amazing how they keep filming themselves doing vile stuff and then posting it online? Thanks random turd, you’re helping people be more pro-Palestinian!

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    Ontario mom pulls Jewish daughter out of high school after antisemitic 'culture' event
  • Wow, look at this Karen being part of the problem and making her child’s life infinitely harder. Way to go.

    I see she never interacts with any minorities either if she thinks that “Jews are the only minority marginalized group that gets to be told by other people what is and what isn’t offensive. No other group would be told to calm down and to relax.” Holy cow she’s delusional.
