Skip Navigation Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

The move has been condemned by Jewish groups who renewed calls for the monument at an Oakville cemetery to be taken down

This is the only natural consequence of allowing these to stand. If you live in Oakville or Edmonton, your cities host these.


cross-posted from:

> What started as a series for kids that started to grow up has come back an adult, developed and matured. The new series doesn't shy away from complex themes of existence and growth while maintaining the characteristic charms of the original series. Unabashedly referential and queer accepting, this series clearly let the writers and art teams do what they wanted and the show was excellent for it, down to every detail. To everyone who watched the original series long ago I would recommend this sequel. If you hadn't seen the original then I don't know how it would land, I am interested to know what you thought. > > > ::: spoiler Ending > The end made me cry, I couldn't help it. It was such a beautiful addition to the story, of what happened to Simon coming to grips with what he'd done, Marshal and Gary getting to be in love, the resolution of a world being returned to everyone within !chefs-kiss. The episode where those two got together was way too good. The tension of their lives and Fiona's somehow matched despite being worlds apart. Beautiful. > > Calling back to the last episode of the original series hit me like a tonne of bricks too. I remember being much younger than I am now and hearing "Come along with me" for the last time. It was an interesting choice not to use it to close out the season but I think it was a good choice, it was the final signifier that they had moved on from Finn and Jake. > ::: > > Watch this show so I can talk to more people about it

*Permanently Deleted*
  • It wouldn't surprise me if kkkanada was so historically illiterate that "fought against the Soviets during WW2" didn't ring some alarm bells. He's had a Nazi-sympathy-in-his-ranks panic before though so he very likely doesn't care. Scratch a liberal and all that. Knowing what I know about Canadian media though the reporters will just continue with this line uncritically, not noting that this was literally a mistake that was purely political in nature.

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    So, on pronouns.
  • I am a straight male

    Being straight doesn't impact what your pronouns are! Your gender, whether you are cis, non-binary, trans, or any other gender identity is what determines these pronouns.

    are my pronouns he/him?

    Probably but thats up to you. Usually pronouns are given in that order as a matter of standardisation for understanding where they go in a sentence. Ie "He is going to the store" or "it all comes down his choice." Obviously this leaves out some other gendered standard pronouns like formal Sirs and Ma'ams but for most conversation knowing she/her or they/them gets you most of the way there. For standard ones it might be intuitive but for people with neo-pronouns it helps a lot.

    do you tell people when you meet them?

    Sometimes. I try to do it more these days as a matter of course but usually I will give them when I'm in an environment where some people do and don't where no one does. They are in my email signatures and real social media bios though.

    Online rules

    At least on your profile somewhere. I like Hexbear's "no exceptions they will be in your name" policy, its better for uptake and helps people feel included.

    figuring out others

    If it isn't clear you could always ask. If you aren't a dick about it then it's usually fine. If you get corrected though the most respectful thing you could do is just say sorry and use the right ones from that point on.

    non conventional pronouns

    Yes people do use them, if you are in places that queer people go to or feel comfortable you are more likely to meet someone with them. I would argue its more polite to refer to them as neo pronouns but I also have boring ones so its not really my place to say. If you look around hexbear there are a couple of frequent posters with neo pronouns and I've known a few people irl to use neo pronouns as well.

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    Hong Kong paralyzed by flash flooding after heaviest rainfall since 1884
  • Half of a meter of rain, christ. There are going to be some fucking harrowing rescue efforts and I wish those workers good luck. I am not looking forward to when this happens in my city.

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    Does anyone know why no comments appear on Hexbear communities? Are we not properly federating?
  • Honestly striving for gender neutral language is great but we found that people would use gender neutral pronouns to avoid people's preferred pronouns which is - at minimum - sus as fuck if not outright bigoted behaviour which we don't tolerate. We see ourselves as a community, and as such are made of people who have various preferences. Since we see each other as people we all want to respect each other properly when addressing each other, thats why we all have our pronouns in our names.

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    Canada warns LGBT travellers of US risks
  • You named yourself after a washer as best I could tell, not quite sure what point you're trying to make. Are you also gonna bump your name out a bit to get with the times or are you gonna grow old and mad with the years?

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • 1: didn't touch that for some reason

    2: I am aware they ran on venture capital. You didn't address where they take their profit from now that they've achieved their dream near-monopoly status. That status that would have been impossible without their thousands of employees to begin with.

  • Jump
    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • I can't speak for everyone but there are a lot of union members and organisers among the ranks of Hexbear. Before I went back to school I used to organise with my local Tennant Union personally, but trying to balance 2 jobs, school, and organising work came to be a bit much for me so I guess we really aren't that different

  • I'm used to spam calls, hearing a bit of music then some lady speaking mandarin, whatever. This is new though, 1 a spam WhatsApp message and 2 the content. Has anyone else gotten anything like this? I'm hoping this is random and not targeted
