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LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It
  • My friend, have you ever taken a look at the books they read? You will be shocked by what you see. You can look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

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    LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It
  • How is it a conspiracy when it is literally happening in front of your own eyes as they teach sexually explicit material to your kids?

  • LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It

    I'm probably going to get hate for this but please watch the video till the end and make your own judgement before making any reactionary comments.


    I know I'm gonna get hate for this but please at least watch the video till the end and make your judgement accordingly before you start making any reactionary comments.

    I totally would
  • That is a good thing. I hated the fact that Reddit only prioritized large subreddits with lots of upvotes. You only get the most normy and useless content. Sometimes it would be good but most of the time is hot garbage.
