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Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • Did you open the paper and read it? The hypothesis are very simple.

    They need to be set up with two parts, the first a predicate, then the second part is a couple options..

    So for example a hypothesis can be set up in two parts as follows:

    Part A:

    "The author of this comment { } about a border wall"

    Part B:

    ["thinks negatively" | "thinks positively" "is neutral"]

    The options are intended to fill in the gap in the curly braces.

    The model will give a probabilistic ranking of the three options, so you need to think carefully about how you set up your hypothesis.

    Like I said drop them here or dm me and I can run them once I've scrapped UMs comments.

    [Edit: I've got UM's comments, and I've saved them to disk. Let me know if you've got your questions ready, or if you still need help understanding how to set up a hypothesis]


    I'm going to give you a worked example.

    This is on UM's most recent comment:

    "She was on my ballot, so she is a candidate. I don’t know how to explain this any better."

    So I set up the predicate:

    'The author of this post {} Joe Biden.'

    with the options:

    ['supports', 'opposes', 'is not talking about']

    and we get the result:

    {'sequence': 'She was on my ballot, so she is a candidate. I don’t know how to explain this any better.',

    'labels': ['is not talking about', 'supports', 'opposes'],

    'scores': [0.9906510710716248, 0.008063388988375664, 0.0012855551904067397]}

    So this comment we would score as "not talking about Joe Biden". Anything you can think of that can fit within that framework. I dont know UM, but you seem to, so you probably know what would be interesting to ask.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • I'm literally setting up for that right now, and for the third time you are accusing of not doing exactly what I'm trying to do for you. It takes a while to download all the comments. I'll let you know when I have them.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • The fuck are you talking about. I literally said I was doing it in my response.

    Bruh this is why you come up as a troll in so much of your comments.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • I'm putting dinner together but I'd be happy to run UM if you would like me to. In exchange would you read the paper so you can understand how the sentiment analysis works? Its important for hypothesis testing. You need to set up good hypotheses for this to be effective.I'm going to down load their comment database now. You work on coming up with some hypotheses.


    I'm downloading the data and will save it to disk, but am about to sit down to dinner. I'll save the output and either drop the hypotheses you want to test here or dm me, but I may not respond tonight.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • Sorry I should have been more clear. That was for the "high confidence that the conversation is around Biden" cohort of comments. So within a subset of about 5% of your overall number of comments., so maybe 2.5 - 5% of comments in total you are making one of these kinds of accusations, or about 1:20 or 1:40. I ran a frequency analysis, and at several points you just spam the same comment over and over again, so that might be skewing things. I'm not sure that should be filtered out, because it is trolling.

    And yes, I think more testing is required, but most importantly, I think I need to get more of a context window around comments. I want to do this using the whole comment chain or thread. That gets more complicated because now you have 'identities' (speaker A, speaker B, C.. etc), which is where the graphical approach is going to show its benefits. Again, work for another time. At least at a first pass, a few minutes of work adjacent to some other work I'm doing level of effort, its more than sufficient to make my point.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • By what basis do you consider a comment abusive or trolling?

    Its part of how the hypothesis is set up. You can read the paper I cited here:

    So specifically for that question the hypothesis “The author of this reply {} Biden.”, with h0 being “is being abusive, or trolling.” and h1 being “is being honest and genuine.”

    And on your second point, since I've still got the data up, we can address that specifically. We'll address the following hypotheses. 'The author of this reply {}': 'is accusing someone of being a russian asset.', 'is accusing some one of trolling.', 'is accusing someone of being a bot.', 'is accusing someone of engaging in bad faith', 'is having a normal conversation'.

    you make a bunch of charts that don’t really prove anything instead.

    Only if you lack reading comprehension.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble

    Ok, results are in. Firstly, just some preliminary stuff on your posting behavior. I only pulled your last 6k comments, which goes back to February. You caught me at a good time, because I had been working on parts of this for a while for some network analyses I'm working on looking at the relationship between moderation bias and community sentiment, so I had some of these tools just laying around.

    It looks like you really got posting in around April, and hit your stride over summer. You've slowed down a bit since. Also, you tend post most frequently at about 19:00 GMT or 3PM EST/ 12 PST, and then again around midnight GMT, or about 8PM EST/ 5PM PST.

    For this work, I'll be using some models from this paper:, "Political DEBATE: Efficient Zero-shot and Few-shot Classifiers for Political Text". This tool allows me to set up hypotheses like the following.

    samples = list(test['premise']) template = 'The author of this reply {} Biden.'

    multilabel entailment labels

    labels = ['is talking about', 'is not talking about']

    The multilabel option determines if more than one hypothesis can be true for the document. If false, the most likely label is returned. If true, a dictionary of labels and their estimated probability is returned.

    res = pipe(samples, labels, hypothesis_template = template, multi_label = False)

    Below is the result of the hypothesis 'The author of this reply {} Biden.', with the two options: {h0: 'is talking about', h1: 'is not talking about'], where we accept h0 at >0.5

    It appears that your posts mention Biden at a relatively uniform rate. Please note that we're in percent of posts, not count (as with the previous two figures), since your post frequency has changed over time. It seems like for any given week, 5-15% of your posts typically mention Biden.

    So for the below analysis, I tested the hypothesis "The author of this reply {} Biden.", with h0 being "is supportive of" and h1 being "is in opposition to". I only performed this analysis that had a very high probability of being about Biden.

    So, "generally" supportive, but not crazy. You started less supportive of Biden than you are now, but like I said, I only grabbed the previous 6k comments of yours. Generally you seem to be about 50/50 on Biden. Which is against my previous assumption, I thought you were more supportive of Biden (closer to 80-90%).

    The next experiment I ran was the test (on all of your comments, not just the ones mentioning Biden) was the hypothesis "The author of this reply {} Biden.", with h0 being "is being abusive, or trolling." and h1 being "is being honest and genuine.". I ran this test on all comments.

    Honestly, , I think you can up your game. You've got ample headroom to live up to your legacy.

    HOWEVER.. If we look at the same results for posts which are explicitly about Biden... we can see that you are trolling and abusive at a rate much higher than your background rate.

    So there is your answer. Not as bad as I thought, but not great. Definitely an abusive troll when it comes to political discussions.

    Some limitations about this approach. I want to expand it to include the context that a given comments sits in. Its fine for a cursory analysis like this to just use single comments, but context is key. I think we'll get much clearer signal/ noise with more context. Also, these conversations happen in a threaded manner. I need to develop a way of accounting for that. I'll probably pull some methods that I've used for network analysis for that component. But I got the major issues out of the way, and I can run these kinds of analysis for anyone on the fediverse. So for a preliminary step, its at least on its way to being sufficient to identify bad faith/ troll accounts.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • You can just tell people now what you already know. Like its all out here in the open. You can't really lie in the fediverse.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • Your trolling says more about you than it does me. I advocated to swap the candidate for literally months because Biden was an absolute TRAINWRECK of a candidate. There was about a 0% chance of Biden winning this election, and if I recall correctly, you defended keeping him as the candidate, in-spite of the incredibly obvious fact that he was losing the election in a dramatic fashion. You defended him to the point of calling any one asking to remove him a trolls, bots, and Russian assets.

    So you weren't interested in improving the Democrats chances of winning. You were just behaving like an abusive troll. And I called that Biden wouldn't be the candidate litterally 8 months out. I was right, and literally almost everyone in this forum was wrong.

    And for a few weeks, we had a good thing going with Kamala. But she's shifted to campaigning with neocon's and being "pro-buisness", and accordingly, her polling is dropping off a cliff.

    She needs to shift back to how she campaigned/ policies she had before and up until the convention. IF she doesn't, she will lose this election.

    But you aren't here for nuance. You just want to pretend that you are on the right side of anything.

    And just as before, you aren't interested in figuring out what it would take Kamala to win. You are just here to abuse.

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    Tim Walz breaks free from his bubble
  • This feels like one of those games where the QB crushed it in the first half, and just completely fell apart during the second half. Now its up to the star running back to make it happen while the QB is still blowing it.

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    The Pentagon Wants to Use AI to Create Deepfake Internet Users
  • There is a short story in here about someone who can't pass a captcha, loses their identity, and has to move on to becoming a fisherman in Norway.

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    Kamala Harris "dominated" Bret Baier in Fox News interview—GOP speechwriter
  • Your dismissive tone suggests you don't think the thing exists or happened. Which would mean you are either oblivious or intentionally ignorant to basic news cycles. But even the most cursory or superficial level of knowledge and understanding of the candidate and their campaign can be used to highlight her shift to the right.

    It started during the convention, with the final night highlighting Republicans while refusing to platform a Gazan:

    Intercept on her embracing of NeoCon's:

    LA times article on it:

    However, we don't need only rely on reported news, we also have data we can use to address questions like this. (Codeshare link for reproduction:, data sources are Nate Silvers)

    Regression analysis puts the shift manifesting in polling at about ~September 16th.

    And its not unique to one swing state (you can run the analysis yourself):

    So I don't make the assumption that your comment is in good faith, but I also don't want you to have any wiggle room here.


    My exception is that your rhetoric will go from "She didn't shift to the right" to "It was a good thing that she shifted to the right"

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    Kamala Harris "dominated" Bret Baier in Fox News interview—GOP speechwriter
  • You have to ask who these things are convincing to. Which cohort has their minds moved because of this interview (or that gaffe, or this policy, revelation whatever).

    Harris hasn't moved any where but down in polling since her rightwing shift and she's just about out of time to change that. So it should be obvious that this approach isn't working on any one.

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    Stormy Daniels Says Trump Is Trying to Silence Her Again
  • Seriously. We had months, years of this shit. He's a convicted felon over it. meanwhile, one side is trying on Hugo Boss for the frog march and the other side is funding a ally who prefers burning children in hospitals.

    We've bigger shit to be discussing.

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    Harris pleads with GOP to join her: ‘There is a place for you in this campaign’
  • This is the same thing Hillary did in 2016. "Trump is bad. Therefore, you have to vote for me." I mean, the identical rhetoric has already shown its ineffective head in this thread.

    Its always the voters that are wrong. The party or candidate can never fail; it can only be failed.

  • Posting this because its happening live. 300k viewers. Currently a tornado outbreak in the evacuation zones for Milton.


    At one point in this weird nonsensical abortion they call life, I had a 64 Ford Econoline. It was the model that had 360 windows (the 8 door model). It was the most fun touring vehicle I've ever been in. Granted it only did 55 with the pedal to the metal (quite literally floored). The best vehicle I've ever owned. So great for doing back roads in. You could see EVERYTHING.

    So the Canoo is going to have a 360 view and a full roof moon roof? Consider me sold for island driving. Come out and see me bruh you gonna get a tour of the island.

    So has anyone bought a like.. gen 0 vehicle before? I've never owned a new car. And never from ab untested manufacturer. I'm just lucky to have this chanc.

    Like, I expect deliveries to start in the next few months and I'm trying to set expectations for myself. Has any one here preordered an EV? Is this a mistake? Should I just get another leaf?


    Are you making pizza this weekend??

    If so what is your plan? What kind of dough or prep? What style? How are you going to bake it? Any changes from last time you made pizza?


    I was really worried it would be black smoke

    3 Does Israel Really Believe It Can Win a War Against Hezbollah?

    Amal Saad, a leading expert on the Lebanese resistance movement, says all-out war could lead to Israel’s downfall

    On Monday, flights at Beirut’s airport were canceled as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to carry out a “harsh” military attack on Lebanon, following Saturday’s deadly strike on a Syrian Druze community in the Israeli-occupied Golan town of Majdal Shams. The horrifying incident killed 12 children on a soccer field.

    Israel and the U.S. immediately accused Hezbollah of hitting the town with a Falaq-1 rocket launched from southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has denied it was behind the attack and both it and the Lebanese government have called on the United Nations to undertake an independent investigation.

    The way that blame for this incident unfolded publicly lends itself to competing theories of responsibility. Earlier Saturday, Hezbollah had announced it had launched a series of attacks on nearby Israeli military installations in retaliation for the killing of four Hezbollah fighters in an Israeli air strike in southern Lebanon. When news of the deaths at the soccer field began to emerge, Hezbollah swiftly issued a statement saying that it had “no connection to the [Majdal Shams] incident at all, and categorically denies all false allegations.” Hezbollah charged that an Israeli Iron Dome interceptor missile had missed its target and hit the town. Israel has claimed it identified the Hezbollah commander of the strike.



    Olive oil, garlic, nutmeg, Parmesan, mottz and basil.

    I think I went half a cycle too long in the oven. I'm not sure the frequency of rotation but I want to get a timer in the pizza kitchen.


    Hey all,

    I modified my Qstove to take a pizza steel instead of engineered stone and am sharing the results here.


    Took 24 hours off news/ politics. What did I miss?

    16 Amid Doubts About Biden’s Mental Sharpness, Trump Leads Presidential Race

    Majorities of voters express dissatisfaction with the candidates. And 63% of voters describe both Biden and Trump as “embarrassing.”

    Key figure:



    > The federally appointed monitor tasked with overseeing the United Auto Workers, Neil Barofsky, is ratcheting up his conflict with UAW President Shawn Fain, announcing another investigation into the union leader who rose to national prominence amid the successful “Stand Up Strike” against the Big Three automakers. > > Yet newly unveiled documents suggest Barofsky’s pursuit of Fain has less to do with concerns over union self-dealing and more to do with the politics of Israel-Palestine. > > Barofsky was appointed in 2021 as the result of the Department of Justice-led consent decree put in place in lieu of prosecution of the union itself for rampant corruption, following prison sentences for two consecutive UAW presidents.

    2 Donors to Pro-Biden Super PAC Are Said to Withhold Roughly $90 Million

    The decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from President Biden’s poor debate performance at the end of June.

    > Some major Democratic donors have told the largest pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, that pledges worth roughly $90 million are now on hold if President Biden remains atop the ticket, according to two people who have been briefed on the conversations. > > The frozen contributions include multiple eight-figure commitments, according to the two people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation. The decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from Mr. Biden’s poor debate performance at the end of June. > > Future Forward declined to comment on any conversations with donors or the amounts of any pledged money being withheld. A Future Forward adviser would say only that the group expected contributors who had paused donations to return once the current uncertainty about the ticket was resolved.


    Key quotes:

    > House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) met with President Biden Thursday night to relay the sentiments of the House Democratic Caucus regarding his reelection bid, as concerns grow within the ranks about the incumbent’s ability to beat former President Trump in November. > > The meeting — revealed in a letter to colleagues Friday morning — came after Jeffries spoke with a large swath of House Democrats in the two weeks since last month’s debate, which prompted concerns about Biden’s viability at the top of the presidential ticket. . The meeting took place after Biden’s high-stakes press conference that evening, a source familiar told The Hill. > > Jeffries said he passed along the “full breadth” of thoughts he heard within his caucus.

    32 Steve Bannon Gloats That Democrats Are Sticking With “Cadaver” Biden

    Donald Trump’s jailed former adviser dragged Joe Biden’s recent performances.

    Key quote:

    > Even from behind bars, Steve Bannon’s message is clear: Republicans want Joe Biden to stay in the presidential race. Why? Because they know it will be better for Donald Trump. > > In an email interview with Matthew Boyle from far-right Breitbart News, the former Trump adviser was asked what he made of the Democrats sticking with Biden amid widespread criticism of the president’s performance in last month’s debate and the calls for him to drop out of the presidential race. > > “So we got the candidate we want … and the country is stuck with a nonperforming cadaver,” Bannon replied.


    Key quotes:

    > Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is working furiously behind the scenes to put pressure on President Biden to reconsider his place at the top of the 2024 ticket, according to a number of Democratic lawmakers familiar with her efforts. > > The Speaker emerita is talking to a broad swath of House Democrats — from front-liners in tough districts to hardened veterans with institutional clout — to pump the brakes on the notion that Biden should definitively be the party’s nominee heading into November, these lawmakers said. > > Pelosi has not said Biden should exit the race, but the lawmakers said she harbors deep concerns about Biden’s ability to defeat former President Trump, and she’s fighting to prevent the party from rubber-stamping Biden’s candidacy before there’s a broader discussion about the potentially damaging consequences of that decision.

    Note: This is a "breaking" story, as in, its been leaked and is just now showing up on multiple outlets.

    45 Right-Wingers Plan to Make it Difficult for Democrats to Replace Biden

    If Democrats want to choose a new nominee, experts don’t believe the Heritage Foundation can stop them — but that may not be the point.

    Key quotes:

    > President Joe Biden and his campaign are insisting he will stay in the 2024 race, despite a rough debate last week in which he looked feeble and struggled to complete his thoughts several times. With Democrats increasingly unsure that Biden should remain the party’s nominee, the conservative Heritage Foundation is pledging to try to block the Democratic Party from replacing Biden on the ticket in key swing states. > > In a June 21 memo, the Heritage Foundation astutely predicted that Democrats might wish to force out Biden “if he freezes at [the] debate.” Noting that “the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots vary by state,” the memo says: “There is the potential for pre-election litigation in some states that would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful."

    6 Pelosi sends signal to Biden: 'Time is running short'

    Speaking on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sends President Biden a rare public signal about the election.

    Key quotes:

    > Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of the most influential voices in President Biden’s sphere outside of his family, sent a rare public signal Wednesday morning that suggested she is trying to nudge him to consider dropping out of the election. > > “It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run,” she said on MSNBC. “We’re all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short.” > > Pelosi sandwiched her comments between praise for Biden and his record. But Pelosi is notably careful and calculating in her public comments and well aware that Biden has repeatedly and forcefully said he has already made that decision. She spoke on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Biden’s favorite cable news show and the same venue where on Monday he gave one of his most defiant declarations that he would remain in the race.

    11 In video shared by TMZ, George Stephanopoulos says Biden can't 'serve four more years'

    In a video, ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos tells someone in New York that he doesn't think Biden 'can serve four more years.'
