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It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway.
  • Okay I missed the word 'over: for the v, but the S was missing and it makes sense given it's posted improperly..

    I am not talking about the second one

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    Israel's jobless rate spikes to 9.6% in Oct due to Hamas war
  • Aw gee.. least of their worries... Not like they are worried about water, food, electricity or health being threatened by their government cause they are being oppressed....

    They make tictocs mocking the victims, call children of Gaza animals and laugh at their pain.... But oh no, Israel has unemployment levels. ( While they have free college, health care and military power thanks to our taxes from America

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    Denial is over. Climate change is happening. But why do we still act like it's not?
  • Because..... Corporate profit...Power and money

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    505 of 700 OpenAI employees tell the board to resign.
  • No I wouldn't be. I work in HR as a Generalist, BS Graduate for business management and human resources management, AND I do payroll..

    I see it first hand who is disadvantaged and who is privileged. I see who deserves raises and who didn't do squat for the amount they have been paid (executive teams and presidents/owners) .. Your opinions on who is paid too much, are misguided...

    Your username doesn't check out as you clearly are not touching grass

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    505 of 700 OpenAI employees tell the board to resign.
  • No working 8-5/6 pm employee, making under 100k a year, is being paid too much

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    Despite rocky rollout, more than 7 million Americans have received updated Covid-19 vaccines, HHS says
  • I was lucky to get both my COVID and flu shot at my doctor's because I am pregnant. I am grateful I was able to get them

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    In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding
  • More like I am against genocide and don't judge humans for doing human things. It's like saying people a crossed all existence should just not have kids and we should all die cause of your personal reasons.. just like a religious person should do, your should keep your views to yourself and stop preaching them.

    I understand why humans procreate and sometimes don't have any control or luxury to that control like first world countries do.... But it sounds like you rather shame humans for doing human things than actually come up with helpful solutions.

    Blaming the victims of circumstances for trying to still be Human doesn't make you superior, no matter how many times you type it from behind your privileged existence on a keyboard.

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    In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding
  • What a sad existence that you should just live out yourself and let others do what they want. Kinda like religious person.. do you, leave me and mine alone. Keep your life practice to yourself ☺️

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    In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding
  • It's either have kids or go extinct... And your comment seems like you are literally saying to them "go extinct because Israel has/had a right to control your procreation process and land".


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    From what I know about male boomers and their political views of women the more i feel the 60s were less free love and more uncomfortable kinda rape-y encounters
  • If their movies from that era weren't a good enough insight..

    John Wayne was a racist sexist POS and it shows in all his Westerns . Most mobster movies objectified a specific group as less than.. while glorified another.. even though their actions were just as messed up.

    women and people of color were on the bottom barrel of being treated decently in these movies.. How many scenes are there of men slapping a woman and then passionately kissing her as she hits him to stop..but it does nothing to him and she suddenly succumbs to his 'charm'. it was a popular trope..

    But I am sure those were only movies and not indicative of how white men actually viewed life. Its not like they were trying to capture an audience in relevancy

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    Don't forget to tip
  • Well they expect their tenants to subsidize their living completely... I could imagine they would also at least want a tip from them because without the landlord they wouldn't have a place to live....

    /S for those in the back who can't swim in sarcasm

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    The shark is fake news.
  • Well duh... The shark was invented by the locals to scare us away from the Beaches so they could have their land all to themselves... The entitlement!


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    Harvard students scramble to take back support for letter attacking Israel as some CEOs look to blacklist them
  • Israel ≠ Jewish. Jewish ≠ religious always. Criticizing Israel ≠antisemite

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    Texas executes man who fatally shot 80-year-old woman during carjacking in 2000
  • But the problem with that is too much room for human error and biases, that's the reason why we don't already emoloy your idea which is not a new proposed idea.

    Capital punishment has always been popular throughout our history, we are just far more evolved now to understand why capital punishment with impunity can go wrong...

    Your idea also puts a ton of faith in the public/elected officials and governments not being corrupt and not using their power for personal gains... we know that is not a reality we can relay on and more often than not, people of power WILL abuse it... your proposal has so many ways to be abused..

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    Texas executes man who fatally shot 80-year-old woman during carjacking in 2000
  • Why just 'her'? You know little boys can be raped too.... by both females and males... what about them?

    And not every victim comes forward right away for many reasons, what about them?

    What if they can't actually identify the attacker because they were inebriated for various reasons and a person is incorrectly accused, has no DNA tying them to the attack and the victim can't really say it was them?

    Too many variables to indefinitely say kill all offenders of children when too many mistakes have been made before

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    [CNN] A ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment: Why didn’t Israel’s sophisticated border security stop Saturday’s attack?
  • I don't think you need a tin foil hat, to believe that Trump compromised intelligence on many levels to many people he shouldn't have....

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    [8] I’m high and waiting for food at in n out and it feels like time is standing still AMA
  • Soo... how much wood Would a woodchuck, chuck.... If. Woodchuck COULD chuck wood, and does that make you a witch??

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    Teen faces murder charge for Thailand shopping mall shooting spree
  • So I can't have complaints against the second amendment and have good faith arguments about a gun in Thailand?? This was Thailand .. not the USA.. but that might be a fact too hard for you to separate...

    Lmao. I agree with the comment below. Go touch some Grass...

    you clearly don't know how to have a nuance view on life that has several complex issues that are not one dimensional... but again that is a take you don't seem to understand...

    having to comb through users post history (and mine wasn't a post, but a comment.. again nuance) without having a conversation in the text, seems to be a difficult task for you and it looks like you're just looking to be combative.

    This was a tragedy and yes I have many complaints about the abuse of the second amendment... but again it's a take that the normal person understands has complex layers to..

    So good day asshole. Enjoy your indignant attitude, however arbitrary it is... no point in having a 'good Faith's conversation with you..

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    Teen faces murder charge for Thailand shopping mall shooting spree
  • It doesn't really explain how he got it.... Thailand is so strict and guns are very rare there... I just was surprised and curious at how he got to the point of getting a mod gun and getting it to do what he wanted... it's just a tragic story all around
