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peanut butter rule
  • I think they absorb meat liquids so they don’t pool at the bottom of the tray. Probably just to make it look more appealing.

    To be noted: My keyboard attempted to autocorrect “pool” to “poop.” I am not displeased.

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    peanut butter rule
  • You know, I never even thought about how much liquid weight those little diapers accounted for.

    I have heard of “tube steak”. I’ll check into that.

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    peanut butter rule
  • Mmmkay, but if I were to buy one of those nut butter steaks, it sure as shit better come with one of those little meat diapers in the bottom of the package.

    Don’t you cheat me.

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    People of Lemmy, what do you use to read posts on Lemmy?
  • Hey, I can help with the direct to community issue! It’s just like Apollo was. When you’re in “All”, just click on that in the top center and you can enter your community name. Some will auto populate.

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    There are different types of showers…
  • Poop Juice, I’m glad you recognized, and seized the opportunity to secure a proper username while they were ripe for the picking. I salute you.

    Also, this guy showers.

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    Simpler Times
  • I’m confused as to why the administrator of feline-to-ass torture is holding two cats. Certainly a man’s cavity is incapable of accepting multiple cats, right?
