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MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • That's essentially what I told my wife last night. If you're undecided and watched the debate and still are undecided, just admit you're a Trump voter.

    Seems you don't even trust what your wife has to say, not sure why you'd 'source' her and expect everyone else to.

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    The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • I wouldn't say I'm on OAI's side here, but I'm down to eliminate copyright. New economic models will emerge, especially if more creatives unionize.

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    Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • My comment was speaking in a general context.

    I've seen the video and I agree with Ted. Anyone with experience understands creep, and although Wedson denies it it's exactly where they're headed. Ted and others are right to voice these concerns and attempt to set very clear expectations for the rust developers.

    They took on the task knowing it was experimental, would be difficult, and that they would be second class citizens - you don't get to agree to the terms and then complain about them later.

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    Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • The rust community is its own worst enemy. The political infighting and constant compulsion to shit on other languages is a turn off to many, and there are plenty of applications where memory safety is not the highest priority.

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    Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • I've inserted myself into your C project because only idiots write C. Rust is the one true god, mUh MeMoRy sAfteY! Now please explain to me how C works.

