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What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • I've been very happy with a couple of indexers that I have paid for. I haven't needed to really jump into the invite only world. There really is A LOT of content available easily. I'm sure more niche content might need more select access, but for me I haven't gotten there. There was one Charlie Brown I have on VHS that took forever to find a better copy of, but I did eventually get a better version.

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    Trump says he would withhold California fire aid unless Newsom 'signs those papers'
  • That's because California (like the majority of other states) assigns all of their EC votes to the winner of the popular vote within state. Only Nebraska and Maine split their delegates right now.

    The popular vote compact is not in effect yet. They don't have the 270 votes needed to do it. The last sentence of the first paragraph in the Wikipedia article you linked to says so.

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    Taylor Swift Drove Nearly 338K People to With Kamala Harris Endorsement Post
  • Oh shit there are! Wow! /s

    If one of them could get to the 5% popular vote...yada yada. Yeah I know. 2016 was the closest they got in a long time. I voted 3rd party then because I'm in a deeply red state so it wasn't a throw away vote or preventing the Dems from winning. They didn't get there. I'm am very convinced at this point you must fix the voting system before 3rd parties have any viability. FPTP is outdated at this point and the added layer of the EC is doing more harm than good now. It was a good idea for a different time, but today is different and the system should evolve. RCV/IRV has shown very clear benefits to enable more than 2 options to be viable on a ballot.

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    Taylor Swift Drove Nearly 338K People to With Kamala Harris Endorsement Post
  • They are bringing votes to a political party who is supporting a genocide where more than 40k people died so far, many of them are children.

    It would be no different under the alternative administration. Probably worse actually. There is a very good reason that Iran created a plot to kill Trump and continues to hammer on influencing against Trump.

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    [Serious] What should every young person do?
  • 3-6 months is plenty. At the 6 months mark you take literally any job you can get and then keep looking for one that you want. The other site had a pretty good personal finance community. Their flowchart does a great job of summarizing things.

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    What's one thing you should never cheap out on?
  • Shopping houses right now. I'm really focusing on the HVAC, roof, and plumbing. Oh and water. I saw one house where it didn't have gutters on a short eave and the door below was mostly rotted out in the bottom 2 feet from water slashing on to it. It boggles the mind that no one had thought to put a gutter there. Literally a 8 foot section of gutter would save that door and frame.

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    What are some good games with really awesome stories?
  • I've been staring at python for too long. I read your comment like it was a function

    def Disco_Elysium():
        raise Warning("there is no going back")
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    Can someone give me advice on vacuum cleaners?
  • My mom had one for 20 years before the motor finally gave up. Got a new one of the same model to replace it and it's still going 15 years later.

    I've got a Miele canister vacuum and it has way more options than I really need, but man is it easy to work with just like the Oreck was. The nice part with the canister is that I can use it for anything. Except water. Get the ShopVac for that.

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    What's the oldest technology you continue using?
  • Probably at some point in the past yes. Now they've been combined with Singer and a few other brands under these guys who in turn are owned by an equity group so expect the enshitification to really ramp up.

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    What's the oldest technology you continue using?
  • CSV is honestly one of my preferred ways of stacking up data. It's so easily transferable between languages and systems. It's always human readable too! There are older tools that I work with that spit out "fixed-width" formats, but then go and fuck it up by not aligning the headers to the columns making parsing is a pain in the ass. CSV would be so much better.

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    Meta Reportedly Unhappy With How Much Money Its VR Division Burns
  • Moto X (2013) has a 360 demo movie on it. It was alright and neat to spin around in your chair to follow the action, but at the same time I could have sat still and the camera moved.

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    What are some unwritten rules of the Fediverse? I came from reddit so its a bit different for me.
  • I just installed KDE on my Ubuntu install. I wish I had explored KDE more before installing. I'm slowly wishing I had gone with Fedora's KDE spin since so many pieces are moving so quickly right now for gaming and graphics in general. Ubuntu being feature cautious is a little annoying.

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    The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Reports | Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Oh it gets worse and still only in NWS area. All of the severe weather alerts from thunderstorms to hurricanes are also done by NWS. Not to mention the radio stations they broadcast all of that information on that are also used to help tune antennas and receivers.

    This would kill thousands of people every year. And it's mostly red states that would feel the biggest burden of being hurt. It does not make any sense except to acknowledge that the people writing P2025 really do not give 2 flying shits about anyone but themselves.
