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I sure as hell don't.
  • What do you mean "for a living hell no"? You think ancient humans didn't have to work to survive? You think life is some gift to you and you deserve it? Survival is work. You just want free food and shelter while others are working to provide enough for themselves and for you? If surviving is too much work for you, don't do it. No one is forcing you.

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    Villa Bellini (Catania, Italy)
  • Sorry this is long:

    I was travelling through Italy and met my current girlfriend in Sorrento while she was also traveling through Italy. At some point we decided to meet again while we were both in Catania... Unfortunately we were staying in hostels so not ideal for hooking up. After a few drinks we decided "fuck it" let's break into the park which of course is locked at night, should give us the privacy we're looking for. Should.

    We did one full lap of the park and decided the wall at the back was the best place to jump over and after waiting for no cars we go for it.

    Once in the park we find a nice little marble bench (one right next to the underpass/tunnel thing, just next to the walkway with the statues of heads on either side) to start making out on... one thing leads to another and then before you know it we're jumping over the wall back outta there planning the same thing the next night.

    We meet up again the next day and stroll in the park when it's open, stopping for a little rest at the scene of the crime. With our new intel we plan to return the next night.

    The next night comes around and we wait again for the streets to be quiet and jump the wall heading for our favourite bench. Things start getting frisky again and before you know it we are both completely naked on this bench doing the deed. Just then we hear a car, and see the headlights of I guess a patrol car driving through the park.....

    If you're aware of the layout and you know which bench I'm talking about you'll know that just behind it is the road where the hexagonal thing is, and that's it's slightly higher than the bench. So they pull right up to the edge with their headlights shinning forward but apparently above us. We were certain we'd been seen and in a panic grab our clothes and shoes and run into the underpass waiting to be busted. Sure enough the lights retreat from above us go to their left then come back around and start driving down the path with the head statues straight towards us. I'm ready to get busted at this point, hoping the fine isn't too high and how I can convince them in my quite poor Italian that I am alone in this park hanging around naked to spare my girl the fine too, when they just keep driving straight past our spot to the exit gate...

    Apparently the elevation gain between our bench and where they placed their car was enough for them to not be able to see us. Maybe we were blocked by their dashboard and the car itself. Really lucky really because if they'd patrolled the park anti clockwise instead we wouldn't have had the warning and definately been busted.

    Well after they left we decided there won't be any patrols again for a while so if anything right now is the safest time to be here and we should just carry on and leave in our own time...

    That was almost three years ago now, we've been together ever since.

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    [Answered] Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad
  • You cannot grow rice, nuts, or much fruit other than apples in the UK, or in the Swiss mountains. The cows roam in land that is otherwise useless. It's why we have so much livestock.

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    [Answered] Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad
  • You don't. You enforce laws on deforestation. Either by replacing every cut tree with a new planted one somewhere not good for farmland, or just banning it. Supply would plateau and the price of the commodity will go up which is unfortunate but the reality of increased demand.

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    [Answered] Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad
  • Great question, one I don't have the answer to. But the cows themselves aren't the issue, it's deforestation. There is a balance or course.

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    [Answered] Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad
  • The methane thing is a non issue. Where do you think the cows get the methane from? Plants they eat. As long as we keep enough plants to reabsorbe the methane for the cows to eat, and burp out etc etc then it's a closed loop. Like the water cycle. The issue is removing forests for cows.

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    [Answered] Why is the consumption of Meat considered bad
  • In somewhere like the UK or Swiss mountains rain is abundant, using less water is not even remotely an issue. The land is not flat enough to be turned into farmland.

  • On any and all instances. Looking for new "subs" if you can't tell lol. A brief description of what it is would be good too.
