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Sinking Seaweed: An Ambitious Strategy Aims To Cool the Planet by Dumping Farmed Seaweed on the Sea Floor
  • One of these days, either by force or by acknowledgement, human kind will learn we can't fully grasp the interconnectedness and depth of complexity of nature.

    These grand plan schemes is like a banging rocks together to make fire

  • 11
    Creatures Of The Sea
  • I didn't.. I repost what I find on discords, reddit and Facebook. I did do a series a while back on teeth using dall-e

  • 28
    Is the Proton (Mail, VPN, Password Manager) ecosystem any good?
  • it was some years ago. But during an outage, one of their services turned out to be routing traffic through Israeli / Unit 8200 company servers.

    My trust in proton evaporated back then.

  • 5
    I started using tiling window managers. What tips do you have? What packages do you use to make yours fully functional? Lost noob needs some guidance...
  • i keep returning to BSPWM. Every now and then i try out Gnome or Cinnamon, but always find myself returning to my tiling BSPWM setup.

    The only thing i miss from time to time is an actual alt-tab window switcher that you have in more ordinary window managers.

    There is some kind of like alternatives, but i haven't found anything that actual can fully replace it

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    Israeli army occupies Gaza homes – then burns them down
  • Real-time ethnic cleansing.

    And when a nugget of possible accountability is hinted at by ICJ.

    All complicit nations drops humanitarian aid for the victims, just hours later.

  • Hi good people.

    I have been trying to set up my gitlab CE instance to run with the container registry, and it seems to require SSL certificates and nested subdomains, but since I only want to use the registry from my local only running docker swarm that I was hoping to deploy to in my CI, I find it kind of overkill to set up certificates etc for the registry. So I was hoping someone here had some experience with running a setup similar to what I am trying to do.

    Basically what I want to do is:

    1. Push to a gitlab repository
    2. Through CI build a container
    3. Through the CI push the container to the local instance of the gitlab registry.
    4. Deploy to the also local only running docker swarm using the newly build containers from the CI job.