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Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • I didn't support the ban, I said just fuck off. You call me overdramatic but look at yourself weirdo. It's funny that you're melting down but calling me a snowflake.

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • Who said anything about banning? I sure as hell didn't. I just said it'd be great if athletes could just play the game instead of trying to be politicians. I am a homophobe because of that? You're sick man...

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • A raging asshole wants to just vibe instead of getting bombarded with politics? What even happened to make you like this? I don't hate lgbt, I just don't feel like hearing about it all day, it gets old.

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • The fucking enemy lol. I'm not supporting anyone, I just don't feel like having all the bullshit mixed in with literally everything. Not everything is so black and white, you weirdo

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • You can disagree with my opinion and not be a complete dick. Lotta people here forgot that a disagreement on something that barely matters does not make us arch enemies

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • Yes, for the love of fucking god. Not because national anthems are political, that's one of the dunbest things that's been said in this thread, but because they're an annoying waste of time. I wanna watch the sport, stop singing weirdo's.

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    Oilers' McDavid wants NHL to reverse ban on theme tape including for Pride
  • Least homosexual sport is a bunch of shit mate. What, you gonna perform worse if you're gay? If you play the game and keep your sexuality to yourself like everyone else I doubt there's an issue.
