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Brazil judge withdraws $3.3 million from Musk's Starlink and X to pay for social media fines
  • I will make my own Brazil, with hate speech and rockets 😢

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    I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Because they worry about any other weapon? Or the extremely rare case that someone actually has a highly dangerous fire arm? My point is that they can have much less drastic standard procedures (and equipment), because the standard scenario of operation is significantly less threatening.

    There are special forces that get involved with the real shit. But the bar for real shit here is someone has any gun.

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    I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • He probably wasn't arrested. It sounds like the police handcuffed him while checking whether he was indeed alone and then asked about what he was doing at his computer. After he explained, they asked him to turn off the stream, at which point I would assume he was freed again.

    I assume they went on to explain the situation and then questioned him. If there is no evidence of any crime, they will just take his personals so they can contact him on any development. He is the victim of a crime after all.

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    I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Isn't it amazing how you can "SWAT" (from the looks of it that weren't special forces btw.) someone by knocking on the door, instead of blasting through it and charging in, ready to shoot anything that moves?

    That's something you can do if you don't have to be afraid of shotguns and full-auto rifles when going into random people's houses.

  • Katzen stellen Staubsauger an - Polizei rückt aus und ermahnt die Tiere

    Anwohner in Bremerhaven hörten Krach aus der Nachbarwohnung. Dort öffnete jedoch niemand die Tür - und sie riefen die Polizei.

    Endlich mal fickend qualitative Nachrichten.

    > Zwei Katzen haben in Bremerhaven einen Einsatz der Polizei und Feuerwehr ausgelöst. Wie die Beamten mitteilten, alarmierten Anwohner eines Mehrfamilienhauses in der Nacht zu Mittwoch die Einsatzkräfte, weil laute Geräusche aus der Nachbarwohnung sie um den Schlaf brachten. Vor Ort öffnete den Angaben zufolge niemand die Tür, so dass die Feuerwehr sie aufbrechen musste. In der Wohnung fanden die Polizisten aber keine Menschen - sondern zwei Katzen, die es offenbar geschafft hatten, den Staubsauger einzuschalten. Die Beamten schalteten den Staubsauger aus und "ermahnten die beiden Vierbeiner mündlich, sich für den Rest der Nacht ruhig zu verhalten", so die Polizei weiter.

    Elon Musk Has a New Excuse for Not Making It to Mars
  • Didn't they perform 3 test flights this year alone? (Under Biden?)

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  • Ich mag wie die Ziele ihrer Spinnereien sie inzwischen einfach komplett ignorieren. Aber was will man auch machen, wenn dein Gegenüber so sexistisch ist, dass sich alles auf "du bist männlich und anderer Meinung, ergo der Feind" reduziert.

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    Poland’s Tusk slams Germany’s border checks as ‘unacceptable’
  • There is hard evidence these checks prevent crime (i.e. smuggling and human trafficking), as well as evasion of judicial measures. So, since these checks will not just go away in the foreseeable future, he needs to provide a better alternative.

    Edit: I don't really get Denmark and Benelux tho. I doubt there is that much going on via these borders, but maybe I'm mistaken? I can see smuggling over their ports could be a problem, but that could be resolved by tightening security there instead of at the borders.

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    Poland’s Tusk slams Germany’s border checks as ‘unacceptable’
  • Casual reminder that Politico is owned by Spring SE, which makes it inherently unreliable since it's held and led by (very) few ultra rich people.

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    Miss me with that doomer shit
  • We have not failed to prevent climate change. We have failed to prevent some climate change. How much more we get depends directly on what we do about it now. And now the best you can do is keeping that in mind when going to vote and spending money.

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    Germany announces temporary border checks at all land borders
  • As much as I would like to hate it, the numbers prove them right. Not only do they catch human trafficers, but also loads of convicts trying to cross the borders as well as smugglers. Germany lies very central in Europe. Turns out a lot is going through here.

    Hardly helps with the real problems like proper integration, fighting the causes of emigration or extremists of all kinds operating in Germany, but it's better than nothing.

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    The poll is over, and the result is clear:
  • I used to always have a ChatGPT tab pinned, so I wouldn't mind. That said, the integration is just plain terrible. To be more precise, the whole experience with the sidebar is terrible. Why can I only have one and not even choose the default one? I need two clicks to get to the assistant, which is one more than just pinning a tab...

    In Brave, the integration is so much better. They have a dedicated button (that you can also disable iirc), that opens a sidebar with only the chatbot. Moreover, you can choose from a bunch of models or link your own. You are not constantly at risk of accidentally sending something to it when selecting text, because neither is "AI" the top option in context menus, nor is one opening automatically. AI doesn't appear in search. And it can even do more (e.g. "summarize this entire page"), while there is also no need to log in.

    In short: This seems not thought through at all. And if it was, maybe the reactions would be less negative.

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    Changes to `impl Trait` in Rust 2024
  • Yep, no one takes the most appreciated language under programmers seriously. The surveys are all constructed to make Rust look better.

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    Why YAML sucks?
  • Tons of people making Python comparisons regarding indentation here. I disagree. If you make an indentation error in Python, you will usually notice it right away. On the one hand because the logic is off or you're referencing stuff that's not in scope, on the other because if you are a sane person, you use a formatter and a linter when writing code.

    The places you can make these error are also very limited. At most at the very beginning and very end of a block. I can remember a single indentation error I only caught during debugging and that's it. 99% of the time your linter will catch them.

    YAML is much worse in that regard, because you are not programming, you are structuring data. There is a high chance nothing will immediately go wrong. Items have default values, high-level languages might hide mistakes, badly trained programmers might be quick to cast stuff and don't question it, and most of the time tools can't help you either, because they cannot know you meant to create a different structure.

    That said, while I much prefer TOML for being significantly simpler, I can't say YAML doesn't get the job done. It's also very readable as long as you don't go crazy with nesting. What's annoying about it is the amount of very subtle mistakes it allows you to make. I get super anxious when writing YAML.

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    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • tldr: Linux can have driver issues and programs or updates might not work as expected. So anything you can expect from any major OS.

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    Everybody in SoCal today...
  • Song to that picture (it's fucking awesome btw.):

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    New Version of Power Profiles Daemon Improves AMD Support
  • (This is also used for Plasma's performance profiles, not just GNOME's)

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    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • Eh, in terms of UI and shortcuts, Plasma is very close. If you sit a Windows poweruser in front of Plasma, I'm quite confident they will feel right at home.

    That's actually how I got introduced to Linux. Then I discovered the Settings app. Fast forward: EndeavourOS btw.

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    The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss
  • In the end, a Heinz a conquered GB. Eat that Brits!

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  • Da trifft eher Populismus auf Populismus. Die CDU weiß schon, dass weder Grüne noch SPD viel Bock haben die nächste Regierung mit ihnen zu bilden, aber sie werden alles daran setzen, das eines von beidem passiert. Egal was sie jetzt dazu sagen. Zumindest sofern die FDP nicht genug Stimmen sammelt.

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  • Vertrauenswürdige Quellen haben mir zugetragen, dass man mit Excel Tabellen nicht nur Anlagen steuern kann, sondern das auch passiert...

  • Hey, so I have brand new HDDs I intend to put in a btrfs software RAID. They're Seagate ST4000VX016-3CV104 4TB Skyhawks. Workload is basically write and forget, I will probably never delete a thing.

    However I decided to test them first and noticed that after writing about 160 GB, some SMART counters have gone up significantly. Read error rate went from 6.632 to 90.238.872 for example (seemingly all correct by hardware ECC), seek error rate from 143 to 87.661.

    Am I reading things correctly? This does not seem like the way healthy drives should behave, does it? It similar on all of them tho. Are they just trash-tier drives they somehow got to work with ECC?
