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What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • I was hanging with a group consisting of mostly older millennial gay men who don't like that trans people are being included alongside them in conversations about human rights, sexuality, and gender. They think it takes away from the fight their community has gone through over the past few generations.

    I chewed them out. Like, a lot. I am usually not at all confrontational but I pretty much stunned them into silence. Now I'm waiting to let them process, expecting a couple to reach out to me to step back from some of the shit they were saying. If that doesn't happen, I guess I'm not really welcome in that group anymore and I'm ok with that.

    There are no trans people in this group. I'm not a gay man nor am I trans. But when I hear shit like that, I hear echos of gay men activists not being willing to work with lesbian women activists, white feminists not includig black women, male laborers trying to keep women out of labor rights movements. It's stupid. It's tribal and hateful. It undercuts the strength the movement could have if we weren't asshats about it.

    Rights campaigning 101, strength in unity. This is basic ass shit.

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    How does one know if a derogatory term or phrase is reclaimed?
  • If you have to ask, probably don't use it.

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    Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' | Business Insider India
  • Easy peasy. Don't want to be captured by surveillance cameras? You are free to not go where the cameras are.

    Oh, are you not wealthy? Do you not have land? Do you not have access to food, power, other resources without venturing out to where these cameras are? Get more money and stop whining, you dirty poor.

    This is why my infatuation with libertarianism that most teens seem to go through only lasted a week.

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    What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • Anytime we ask questions about poor people doing things to make a buck, you probably won't find me talking negatively or blaming the people with few to no options.

    I've been in a financial situation where selling my blood plasma was an easy, safe, guaranteed amount of money that kept me from getting deeper into the hole. I'm not going to knock anyone who does it, only the shitty social services that fail people to the point they have to sell their plasma to survive.

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    People who have those extra fold out laptop monitors, are they any good?
  • This is what I would choose, standalone rather than something that attaches to the laptop and folds out.

    Attaching, hanging off the side, potential to be bumped, all the weight hanging out cheap laptop hinges. It seems like high risk of things getting loose and damaged, both the extra monitor and the base laptop.

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    Do you have trouble explaining your job to people?
  • I don't have trouble explaining. I keep it high level and generic because 99 times out of 100, people are just making small talk and want to know just enough about you to categorize you.

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    How much money would it take for you to never listen to your favourite artist again?
  • You mean I could get paid to be told what my favorite artist is? Little ol' indecisive me? Sold!

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    What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?
  • I like the various mythologies for psychopomps; Anubis, Charon, grim reapers, Azrael, Vanth, valkyries, etc.

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    Who else is an adult that still lives with their family?
  • Get yourself a Lemmy app that lets you tag users. Boost does for free, I'm told some others do within their premium tier.

    This person can now be tagged so I know their vibe before deciding whether or not to engage. Thanks for the heads up.

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    Alcohol from peppers?
  • Ever had a spicy margarita?

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    Alcohol from peppers?
  • Such a good addition to my liquor shelf. It is a liquor and if one likes spice, it opens another layer of variation to margaritas, Manhattans, Palomas, negronis, and so many more.

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    [Serious] What should every young person do?
  • Figure out how to make and keep friends. It only gets more difficult as people are out of school, have their own families, have less time for short-notice adventures, etc.

    At the same time, figure out what you want in a friend that is worth investing in to you. Not every friend is worth keeping as we all naturally grow in different directions.

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • Same. I have very cautiously taken some recommendations from my brother and liked them. But for every one I liked, there were 100 I didn't and the online weirdos who got way too intense about them.

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    My wife has an iPhone. I have a Samsung S23. Why do videos she texts me look like super low res shit?? Can iPhones not text videos?
  • What do the videos look like on her phone?

    If they're shit there, it's the phone (or the operator). If they look good there and change to shit when they get to your phone, it's something in that process. Perhaps set to send a low res version by default.

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    How could you best spent one million dollars, to materially help the world in a lasting way?
  • Put 3/4 on the hit and 1/4 betting on the stock market reaction only you know is coming. Profit. Repeat.

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    ¡Casa Bonita Mi Amor!
  • It's a bizarre restaurant. I expect good interesting things from this doc.

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    In old biographies, there was the college “bull session”, staying up late and discussing the issues of the world. Did you have that experience?
  • State College in the late 00s. For sure we stayed up late, solving the world's problems (theoretically) as only young, not-yet-jaded people can. There were also people who couldn't go three days without getting blackout drunk and I tended not to be good friends with them due to lack of common interests.

    I also didn't meet a single Jewish person until after I graduated college, there just isn't much of a Jewish population where I grew up, so I'm deeply skeptical of that theory.

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    Why do you care about privacy?
  • So most people being allegedly cancelled are batshit or racist? ... Why is cancelling bad then?

    There's few cases of non batshit, non racist ppl being cancelled. The best example you could think of, you acknowledge wasn't actually cancelling.

    I'm not getting it.

  • Inspired by a post since deleted, I feel bad for probably coming off judgemental about the poster's taste in the movie that drove him to consider sailing.

    The earliest desired media I can remember that drove me to figure out sailing was DC Talk, a Christian rock band. Pop music was not allowed in my house, so a Christian group was tantalizing and scandalous to a rebellious, young Vanth. Things escalated from there.
