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What's your radical opinion?
  • It's more that why would you want to eat it?

    Do you also eat the bones when you get other meats?

    Do you eat the skin of bananas or oranges?

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    My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves
  • I once paid an electrician to do some electrical work in my house, therefor I am an electrician, otherwise, how would I have working power in my house?

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  • you cannot have an anarchist structure trying to co-exist along side a central government structure. Eventually, the central government will overwhelm the anarchist, especially the first time something goes wrong

    You cannot have an anarchist structure full stop. It will always encounters a larger government as they expand and get destroyed by it, since the anarchist structure will always be smaller and less powerful because it's not an expansionist structure.

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    Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns | RNZ News
  • In short: it's not anonymous.

    They're using a hash function on personally identifying information such as names, addresses, DoB and phone numbers, but Facebook and LinkedIn have enough data that they could work out what hashes correlate with which names, addresses etc. , which would enable them to correlate the hashed data with a specific person that has that data already, and from there they can correlate the hash of the data they don't have for that person with other people in the data that they do have the data for to add more data for that person.

    e.g. Someone left NZ in 2015, but hasn't logged into Facebook since 2010, so Facebook doesn't have any up to date data on them, but if they run thier name and DoB through the same hashing function that the IRD used, and say they find one result, then they can update thier database with the persons new data from the IRD.

    They just need to find users in thier data where there's only one result for each of the resulting hashes, and can also create new entries in thier database for people who've never even used Facebook but were in the data the IRD provided.

    To understand the specifics you'd probably need to do an OIA request or something IDK.

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    Inland Revenue giving thousands of taxpayers' details to social media platforms for ad campaigns | RNZ News
  • if they know the birthday, name, etc then they could easily match it to a specific profile

    Thats exactly how they're able to de-anonymise the data... If it was truly anonymised then Facebook wouldn't want it...

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  • It'd be like communism but instead of an entirely centrally planned economy you'd have an anarchistic structure where everyone decides what to produce themselves but taxes are collected by central government to do things that actually work well when centrally planned such as transport, communication and health care?

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    I need help getting back into development
  • Just use a good GUI tool for git and Google how to do stuff with command line when needed, you'll eventually pick it up. Chatgpt and it's ilk can also be helpful with figuring out things when Google fails.

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    All car owners will pay road user charges by 2027
  • Fuel has got a lot more expensive around the same rate that cars have gotten more efficient, so it kinda cancelled out since the tax is a % of the price... They could also just adjust the tax...
