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Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier And Better For The Planet, Report Finds
  • Awesome. Now it just needs to be more affordable while tasting just as good. Right now, the stuff that actually tastes like meat is priced like a bougie, elitist luxury good.

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    Literally France right now
  • Coalitions are literally the primary way the rest of the world avoids devolving into the US’s corrupt two-party system. It’s proven quite effective.

    If that could be combined with RCV in more countries (or US states), then it could far more strongly prevent the consolidation of political parties and return more power to the people themselves.

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    Literally France right now
  • I had to read that a couple of times before I understood what you are trying to say. At first glance, it seemed like you were calling democracy itself bourgeois, but I think you meant it as a specific thing that isn’t actual democracy… e.g. it’s an illusion of democracy because capitalism gives the wealthy the ability to steer the whole ship, as it were. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

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    The conspirators who assassinated Abraham Lincoln being prepared for execution, Washington DC, USA, 1865
  • Other than Jefferson Davis, who was let off scott-free.

    And that's before we get into Johnson's "I'm the new Confederate President" behavior immediately after the assassination.

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    AI art steals from the poor and has no place in modern society
  • Why do you care so much about defending unimaginably wealthy corporations stealing the labor of regular people?

    See, now we have both misrepresented each others comments.

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    AI art steals from the poor and has no place in modern society
  • This is why I focus on distribution rather than training. If you commercialize a model trained on things you don’t own/license, and it generates anything remotely infringing, you should be fully on the hook for every single incident.

    But if a model is trained and distributed freely as FOSS, then it’s up to anyone running it to ensure the output is not infringing. This protects fair use while also ensuring that big companies tread more carefully when redistributing models that can violate fair use by competing with those whose work was trained on without permission and are subsequently being emulated without permission.
