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What are some interesting devices powered by Linux?
  • Think of them like graphics cards. They are more of a component to do calculations that the cpu either can’t do, or would take too long to do. So calling something (the whole shebang) a quantum computer is like calling a computer training AI an ML Server.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Me too! Plus I have an internal alarm clock that has done crazy things like wake me up at 4 am after I set my alarm for 4 pm by accident.

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    The summer is over, schools are back, and the data is in: ChatGPT is mainly a tool for cheating on homework.
  • “You can use AI such as ChatGPT or Copilot on your senior projects, just make sure the code works, you understand it enough to document it, and your sponsor is ok with external code use” - paraphrased from my Software Engineering department head about our senior capstone projects.

    “I have the kids ask ChatGPT for an essay and then have the (8th grade) kids treat it like a rough draft so they have practice editing it” - my English teacher Father

    The best way to handle it is to embrace and use it to augment your skills, much like calculators in math classes.

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    'We are not imperial': Justice Kagan says Supreme Court still subject to checks and balances
  • The Idea behind the American SC was that their life long appointment would eliminate the need to be corrupt as they (theoretically) wouldn’t have the ‘pro quo’ part of ‘quid pro quo’ to corrupt them. In reality, that doesn’t seem to work calling into question the necessity of term limits and of course corruption checking.

    Packing the court to a few hundred justices isn’t really necessary as it would just be more like the US Senate which does exist.

    But I agree, they seem to have too much power as is.

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    What is the most petty way a place you worked at tried to save a few bucks?
  • TBF they paid $11 in 2021. It was a summer job during college so no worries. I picked it because it was inside and not subject to the summer rain showers.

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    What is the most petty way a place you worked at tried to save a few bucks?
  • Pizza places (multiple companies) would “pick the pits” where the toppings that fell off the pizzas into the make line where put back. Sauce from a can was scraped with a spatula because that added up to a full pizza’s worth of sauce after two gallons of sauce.

    A retail job I had would not let employees use self checkout at any store (even if they where not at the one they worked at) due to a fear of theft. The customers of course used the self checkout for theft.

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    executive dysfunction vs depression
  • As someone with BP (mostly depressive) and inattentive ADHD (separately), both of the states you are talking about sound like depression.

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    In 2017, I bought a 1TB 960 Evo for 466€. Now, in 2023 the 1TB 970 Evo Plus is 43€.
  • A blank CD-R is $10, but stores as much as 400 floppies!

    But you also need to purchase a CD drive which is another $15 making it more expensive than a 128 GB SSD.
