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Woman breaks her neck inside St. Clair County Jail, isn't taken to the hospital for days
  • Imagine living with the sound of gritty grinding reverberating through your skull from shattered vertebrae for three days

    And all that for a 20 day sentence

  • Finally smoked my last kilometer

    Here's How Reddit F**ks Advertisers
  • Damn

    Stop benefitting from the internet, it’s not for you to enjoy, it’s for us to use to extract money from you. Stop finding beauty and connection in the world, loneliness is more profitable and easier to control.

    Stop being human. A mindless bot who makes regular purchases is all that’s really needed.

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    Do you consider AI art “OC” ?
  • It can be. There’s a lot of human controlled variables involved. ai is a medium for art and can generate stuff never before possible on this planet. Of course that depends on how it’s used. If you train a mode to copy an artist that’s obviously no bueno. If you train a model to generate nightmare fuel that can create videos from detailed prompts then go ahead

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    Senate dems take aim at investor home purchases
  • Maybe it’s just a test like bernie’s proposal to tax a higher rate after 999 million annual income. No one makes that but why would they not pass that into law?

  • Senate Democrats take aim at investor home purchases

    Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill Tuesday aimed at curtailing investor activity in the housing market that can drive up home prices.  The Stop Predatory Investing Act, introduced by Sens. Sher…
