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Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Trailer
  • His voice sounds a lot deeper than usual. I can't say I dislike it...but I am wondering how it will sound throughout the entire movie. I like what I've heard in the trailer so far though. And, funnily enough, I can't really use Idris Elba's Knuckles as a reference point---I got introduced to Sonic through the movies, so that was the first Knuckles I ever heard. So when I heard his normal voice, it sounded so high-pitched until I got used to it!

    It's interesting how you pointed out that this movie probably won't be a faithful adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2. I was honestly excited about it---mainly because the other attempt I've seen at adapting Sonic Adventure didn't really do it justice. There are some elements in the X adaptation, like Sonic being mistaken for Shadow by virtually everyone in spite of the footage being clear, that were particularly maddening, and I was worried they would make the same mistake in live action.

    Can't help but agree on the Gerald Robotnik thing. It's making me a little worried that the movie, overall, might not be dark enough, since it was Gerald's descent into madness that drove him to plant those fake memories into Shadow to destroy the Earth.

    As for Amy Rose being introduced...maybe. It depends. Part of me is skeptical of whether they could introduce her naturally in the same film as Shadow, and I'm thinking that maybe introducing Rouge and/or Omega might be easier to tie into the plot. Though they would need to figure out the issue of 'who's going to talk him out of genociding the entire earth' bit. I was thinking of Jojo, similarly to how Chris did so in Sonic X, but I'm wondering how much of an impact that would have.

    A large part of what made Chris work as a human side character in the X adaptation was how he was very close to Sonic--like Sonic's equivalent of Maria. And I think Shadow may have realized it. But Sonic and Jojo haven't had that kind of bond, aside from that cute scene where she gives him his sneakers. So I've been thinking of Sonic talking him down, as a backup-backup plan, now. He had a lot of empathy for Knuckles in the last movie, so I think he'd probably do the best job out of all the characters.

    Assuming they'll get to a point where he's trying to murder everyone (Which, they'd better!)

    I'm also kinda apprehensive about the potential for Jim Carrey leaving too. Any attempt to recast him would be massively unpopular, and rightly so. The way I've been seeing it up until recently is that they would simply stop making movies once Jim Carrey retired. That it's better for the Sonic series to end on a high note for it to fizzle out. But now that I think about it, there may be potential for another Sonic movie with a different villain. Though they'd have to be very careful about it. There are plenty of cool villains in Sonic---Surge the Tenrec, Metal Sonic, Mephiles the Dark---the main issue is, which villains can be cool without Eggman being there?

    I might have an answer. The Metarex arc in Sonic X was excellent, and Eggman was only a minor villain in that arc. I mean, a movie focused on intergalactic robots and explosions that's actually good*? Sign me up!

    Though, like I said, they would need to be careful about it, and it could easily suck if they make it too grimdark or goofy (especially since the backdrop for the original conflict involved the genocide/assimilation of an entire planet)

    Thank you very much for the detailed thoughts! :) And hopefully you didn't mind getting this massive wall of text! *Not that I'm mad about the last Transformers movie. Not at all!

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    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Trailer
  • Pfffft--! 😂 I have a feeling you'll be right, but whether they show it graphically is another thing. Not so sure about Gerald though...

  • Pretty sure most Sonic fans have at least heard the trailer was out by now, but I figured I'd post just in case. And since the comments on the video are turned off...what are your thoughts on it? About the voice of Shadow, game references, differences from Sonic Adventure 2, anything, really.

    No RAM jokes please (Art by LoverWolfie1)
  • I wish I knew what that I could make a tasteless joke about it and annoy that poor lil guy...😁

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    True 😄
  • A vast majority of the people on Lemmy use Linux. Or, at least, the Linux users on here are the most vocal about their OS. Just type in "Linux" in the community search, and you'll find dozens and dozens of linux communities with thousands of subscribers, compared to a handful of Windows communities with only a few hundred subscribers.

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    That Funny Feeling
  • What a talented singer. Reading some of the comments, it was a little sad seeing all the people who related to the 'derealization' part of the lyrics.

  • "What's under Knuckles Gloves?"

    audio from sonic twitter takeover 7

    I never really gave it that much thought I can't stop wondering whether he has spikes on his hands or not. So my question for you is, what do you think?

    "How dare you downvote me"
  • By the way, did you just downvote my fucking post before looking at it? That’s like shoving me before asking if I have a problem. What the fuck is wrong with you? You really think that’s acceptable behavior just because you’re on the internet?

    You shouldn’t even be allowed to downvote a post, there should be some sort of basic intelligence test in order to downvote otherwise all you can do is upvote like a happy idiot. How fucking dare you downvote me and then talk to me after like you’re not some scum percolating in the tubes of some septic system. Just because you are semi-literate doesn’t mean you even understand what is happening in the world around you yet here you are downvoting me as though you are anywhere near my level of intellect and superior understanding of the issues you know nothing about. HOW DARE YOU DOWNVOTE ME.

  • By the way, did you just downvote my fucking comment before replying to me? That's like shoving me before asking if I have a problem. What the fuck is wrong with you? You really think that's acceptable behavior just because you're on the internet?

    You shouldn't even be allowed to downvote a comment, there should be some sort of basic intelligence test in order to downvote otherwise all you can do is upvote like a happy idiot. How fucking dare you downvote me and then talk to me after like you're actually human and not some scum percolating in the tubes of some septic system. Just because you are semi-literate doesn't mean you even understand what is happening in the world around you yet here you are downvoting me as though you are anywhere near my level of intellect and superior understanding of the issues you know nothing about. HOW DARE YOU DOWNVOTE ME.


    (Video link is here, since I can't do both a custom thumbnail and a link.) So evidently, Ken Penders is making a reprint of Mobius: 25 years later. After almost a decade of owning his OCs he got back from Sega, he's finally going to be doing something with them...and it's a reprint of the old Archie comics, specifically, the Light Mobius Arc, issues 131-144. Granted, he will be adding on a section to replace what would be the normal end of 144 that diverges from the canon ending so that it'll tie into his Lara-Su series, but there's a lot in there that he simply doesn't own.

    Originally, I was only going to post the video here, but I had a lot of questions after watching it. Was he even the one who drew the art for this comic? Was he going to attempt any superficial changes to avoid getting sued? I did some digging beyond the video, and found that he has his own website dedicated to this thing.

    So he didn’t draw most of the art in the comics, and a lot of it seems to have been drawn by other artists, like Steven Butler. I rooted around a bit in the archives on Pender’s site, and it seems like he’s planning on redrawing at least a few panels for his comic—like this one here:

    !Steve’s normal echidnas

    !Ken’s uncanny valley echidnas

    (In case it wasn’t obvious, the art on the right is by Ken Penders, the left is by Steven Butler.) He said here that he redrew this scene to better match the context for his new series, so it seems like he might be doing more than just reprinting the old comics. Which honestly...I guess it’s good that he’s not profiting off of other artists’ work without compensation, but at the same time...the new art is uncanny as hell.

    Also, it wasn’t really clear just from looking at his website whether he was going to rename any of the other Sonic characters not owned by him (e.g., Rotor, Sonic), or if he was just going to keep their names. But in some of the archives, Knuckles was reffered to a K'nox, so it’s possible the other characters were changed too.

    There's been a lot of discourse about this lately, and it'll be...interesting, to say the least, to hear about what the final comic will look like (cause I sure as heck ain't buying it!)

    (I'd like to note that I've never actually read the Light Mobius arc myself, and most of my research came from Ken Pender's website, the r/FuckKenPenders* subreddit, and, of course, the linked video.

    *Link goes to rdx.overdevs, a Reddit mirror created by the awesome so you don't have to give Reddit more clicks than you have to :)>

    0 Nazi Chatbots: Meet the Worst New AI Innovation From Gab

    AI chatbots from Gab, the far-right social media company, are designed to deny the Holocaust


    Polite foxes wait in line for sausages

    Video is by Shazzababie on TikTok, right here


    BIGGEST Backyard Pimple Popping! [video]

    The summer family reunion has come, and it's time to pop Grandpa's cyst again!

    (Video is not mine. Contains a bit of swearing and blood.)

    Oklahoma bill would require 'furries' be picked up from school by parents, animal control
  • The sample they used is likely not representative of the whole fandom; they only interviewed 334 furries in the study, from a fandom made of millions of people. And the participants were all male, too.

    ...I can't be the only one who actually reads these things, right?

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    Oklahoma bill would require 'furries' be picked up from school by parents, animal control
  • At first I thought this was satire, but I'm seeing similar articles in tons of other places like Huffpost and Vice. So this is actually true?! Stay strong, my friends...

    (I don't have a fursuit or see myself as an animal or anything, but this is crazy. And a total waste of resources too. Hopefully voters are educated enough to see that this is absurd.)

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    Egg Sando
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Video link: Chilling foxes on a hot day

    I know I could have put that link as the url, but I just really wanted to use that screenshot as a thumbnail 😆. Video is from SaveAFox, a nonprofit that saves foxes from fur farms! Here Mikayla gives the foxes popsicles on a hot day, and they try to bite them!

    My favorite part of the video was when Dixie couldn't make up her mind whether to lick it, or try swallowing the whole thing. (Right here)

    Hello [Pawb.Social]!
  • I don't have a local Chinese shop, but there is a Korean one, which often stocks food from other-other countries, so maybe they'll have these stocked too! Thanks!

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    Heya! Just joining Lemmy for the first time!
  • Since no one has tried guessing what animal you drew, can we try guessing, and you can say which is right? (Or you can just say what it is, but I think it would be fun to guess)

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    Hello [Pawb.Social]!
  • Mmm, they sound scrumptious. Did you make them yourself?

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    Win95 MSpaint Vibes [OC]
  • Love it! The little dog looks like a Sonic OC. (When I first saw him, I mistook him for Tails😅 )

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    I made my sona into a minecraft skin!
  • Very cool! I like the axe on your shirt. I always used to see Youtubers with cool Minecraft skins, but I could never figure out how to make one myself 😅

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    Image test
  • Thanks! I just posted them in the Sonic the Hedgehog community, and the preview image link is working perfectly!

  • I made some evil cookies, from the recipe written by Doctor Eggman! In the recipe, you make two batches of cookies. There’s only one difference between the two, and they are otherwise indistinguishable. The good batch, has chocolate chips, and the other, the evil batch, has chocolate-covered raisins to humiliate and show up your enemies. Just don't mix up which is good and which is evil if you intend to share with friends. Otherwise...well...just look at the last two pictures. !evil cookies cool on a rack

    !Sonic holds an evil cookie to his mouth!Sonic enjoys a plate of evil cookies


    Image test

    To see if I'm using the right link.
