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Another valuable life lesson from Elmo and friends!
  • Paying for a roof isn't work. It's not producing anything, transforming anything, or doing labor, and it takes no time. It takes 30 seconds to cut a check. And they're using money I and other renters have paid them because we can't afford a house, despite very much wanting to, because of how expensive housing is due to landlords buying up all the properties lol. You can tell it's not a real job because a lot of landlords have full time other jobs. Or it's why being a landlord is also a great way to get money for old people who can't work and maybe haven't saved for retirement nor have a pension.

    I 100% agree that the problem is that housing is an investment. Real estate investors should not be buying homes to make a profit at the expense of available housing. I haven't heard how the situation is in Germany, but that's good. I heard Tokyo also does it right, where housing depreciates like a car, because they have so much.

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    Another valuable life lesson from Elmo and friends!
  • My landlord doesn't do that, they have a property manager that does that stuff. Ive never even seen my landlord. If the landlord does it, then they are not doing landlording, they are being a property manager and landlord, but they don't necessarily have to, and one doesn't require being the other.

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • That's just because your conservatives haven't discovered not confirming justices. We used to have bipartisan consensus on judicial picks as well. Give it time as the other capitalist countries continue to decay and get more fascist. Relying on these moral codes and gentleman's agreements doesn't work once a party learns to disrupt the system.

    Obama literally picked a judge the opposition said was the only one they would pick and then they still didn't. You can't remove politics from these systems.

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    Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • How well had that worked for the US President's and their appointed Supreme Court justices which have been getting bribed in public without consequences? Unless you mean the guillotine...

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    Israel says ‘highly likely’ its troops killed Turkish-American activist
  • How can you have been alive that long and not noticed the ratchet effect? It specifically increased with Reagan, who put in a bunch of neoliberal policies that Democrats still haven't rolled back all these years later.

    And unfortunately the ratchet can't go the other way because it's not in the material interest of the higher up Democrats to help regular people. That media that divides people is done on purpose by the exact same interests that own our politicians.

  • What I think I know : They tried to take a picture at Arlington National Cemetery, but couldn't? There was a physical altercation maybe? But the Trump campaign said there wasn't?

    Is there more to this? Can someone explain to me the context of how this is a scandal?

    Like I hate Trump but I don't understand why this is a big deal. It doesn't seem to involve the man personally, just some staffers who had an argument with a cemetery worker, and seems like small potatoes compared to other scandals he's had. Is it because of how sacred the cemetary is, or did they get into an actual fist fight, or did Trump personally interfere in some way?


    Official Poster for 'Hellboy: The Crooked Man'


    4.7 in South Pasadena.

    Anyone else feel it?


    I'd love a Nature is Fucking Lit community over here on Lemmy. I just saw the cutest post on Reddit there and I'd love to spread it or see it over here. (I look at reddit without a profile while at my work computer sometimes, don't judge me lol).

    Think I should post it to the one to revive that one? Looks like that hasn't been active in a few months.

    I also wonder if it's better to use this opportunity when it's possibly dead to revive the community somewhere else? Like maybe since nature is connected to science or something? Or maybe the solar punk instance? Is there a better place someone can think of or should we stick to the one?

    What do people think?


    I'm considering buying some extra storage space for my PS5. Last time I was out of town, my partner tried to play a game and they couldn't, because I deleted it to make room. They went to download it but it was out of space, so of course they didn't want to delete anything. That makes me sad because I want to encourage them to use it and game lol. Plus, I think it would make it easier rather than always downloading and deleting things.

    Have other people bought extra storage for PS5? What kind would you recommend?

    Do you go for internal or external? Do you have the heat sink if an internal one? Is 4TB enough or overkill? I think I saw that amount somewhere once (unless I imagined it) but maybe 1 or 2 TB is good, and probably easier to find.

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    We're looking at movies to watch for Father's Day and my dad has already watched most of the ones out right now, so that eliminates the ones I want to see (Furiosa, The Fall Guy) and he's not interested in Planet of the Apes. That basically leaves the Watchers.

    Anyone see it yet and have any opinions on it? Going either way to spend time with my father, but want to know how low to set my mind expectations lol.


    cross-posted from:

    > I've been seeing her name a lot lately in terms of good science fiction and fantasy. I feel like I've lost so much attention span in terms of my ability to read and stuff and I'd like to start getting back into it, perhaps starting with her (or Terry Pratchett lol). > > If I start with her, what's a good place to start with her work?


    I've been seeing her name a lot lately in terms of good science fiction and fantasy. I feel like I've lost so much attention span in terms of my ability to read and stuff and I'd like to start getting back into it, perhaps starting with her (or Terry Pratchett lol).

    If I start with her, what's a good place to start with her work?


    I know they're posting diss tracks against each other, but I'm not sure why? What made this start? And how was J. Cole involved? And how has this feud evolved so far?

    I feel so out of the loop on this one! All I see is reaction images of the songs and Kendrick destroying Drake, but without the context of why they were posted, I'm still confused.


    I was inspired to listen to a few new artists at the gym recently by an FD Signifier video on how lately female rappers are going hard in a way you can lift to while recent male rappers have mostly been going for a more, calm, rambling flow that is probably better for when you're relaxing on drugs or driving or something.

    So I picked a couple of the female rappers he mentioned that were newer than my aged music tastes (Latto, Megan Thee Stallion, etc.) and added some of their songs to my lifting playlist and ya, some of their songs went pretty hard.

    I'm wondering if there are any other good artists I'm missing out on keeping the same rotation forever, so I thought I'd ask the class.

    What songs do you listen to when trying to get pumped at the gym?


    >The subgenre is called "bebop." Get some Charlie Parker albums. He recorded some great songs with Dizzy Gillespie. Jet is talking to Spike about talking to Charlie Parker in a dream in the casino episode, iirc. The style of music is fast tempo, quick key changes, novel chord progressions, and virtuoso performers making new music out of standards. It's analogous to the storytelling in the manga, and to the characters themselves. Each is supremely competent, acting on their own, but complementing and supporting the others to make something extraordinary. The whole soundtrack is a wide range of genres, and it was all written and performed by Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts, which is especially impressive because of the sheer variety of styles. > >Tank! is more driving trumpets and melodic than classic bebop, so you might also check out some Wynton Marsalis. He played what is called "neo-bop" which was a popular revival of bebop in the 1980s. > >Jazz aficionados would probably classify Tank! as "hard-bop" of which there are many great albums and musicians. John Coltrane's A Love Supreme was one of my favorite albums growing up, but that was the tail end of his hard-bop phase. I would probably suggest Art Blakely and the Jazz Messengers album "Hard Bop" as the quintessential hard-bop album.


    Hey everyone, I'm part of a company that's been trying to modernize. Our team has switched to Agile, switched to some cloud storage, and is slowly trying to add automated tests to its various legacy applications. I know normally automated tests would just be done with the user story as part of the definition of done, and while going forward I want to do that with future user stories, I still I want to be able to keep track of the large amount of work to do with adding automated tests to cover the huge parts of the code already done. It will be kind of a large development effort by itself done by at least 2-3 devs/juniors, and me kind of leading this effort but pretty new at it myself lol.

    We're using Azure DevOps which has organized things from big to small with Epics, Features, User Stories, and Tasks. We're trying to decide how to frame and track the work within this context. So even though user stories aren't the best way to illustrate this from what I've read because it isn't user driven functionality, it's the best way to track with what we got, so with that context, here are the ideas so far.

    1. One person suggested an Automated Test Feature, sticking it in this Global epic we have for miscellaneous structure and framework work. Then make one user story each with all automated tests a module has, giving each individual class and pages to test within those modules with a task, and writing within the description the individual tests for each page/class. They don't want the backlog diluted with too many of these automated test stories I think.

    2. Another person suggested creating an Epic for automated tests user stories created up to now, then a feature for each module, then a user story for each class/page to be tested, then a task for each test the developer has to make for each one of those. This person was me, I thought it felt more organized and you can see what dev is working on what piece, but I can see how it balloons the backlog with a ton more user stories for this effort. Although it's at least all in one Epic folder that's easy to ignore.

    3. Our QA wanted one only user story for all automated tests to really prevent clutter, but also was okay with the first idea when I kind of pushed back on it. Since all user stories are usually tested by them and this is kind of superfluous stuff mostly for devs at the moment that isn't application functionality, so I can see why they want it as small and out of the way in the backlog as possible.

    4. Another person just suggested creating a user story for each test, but instead of putting them all in one place, placing them in the proper Feature category that the originating story is kind of testing went in. I get the logic of this, too, but I was afraid of it being confusing for it to track being all scattered around, and user and system driven functionality mixed with tests. But then, I guess we also categorize things in sprints, so maybe this wouldn't be as confusing as I first thought.

    Anyway, if anyone had any suggestions or a better way to organize it than these, let me know!

    1 Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off - IGN

    An executive at Assassin’s Creed maker Ubisoft has said gamers will need to get “comfortable” not owning their games before video game subscriptions truly take off.

    "Philippe Tremblay, director of subscriptions at Ubisoft, explained to what needs to happen before subscription services become a more significant slice of the video game business."

    > One of the things we saw is that gamers are used to, a little bit like DVD, having and owning their games. That's the consumer shift that needs to happen. They got comfortable not owning their CD collection or DVD collection. That's a transformation that's been a bit slower to happen [in games]. As gamers grow comfortable in that aspect… you don't lose your progress. If you resume your game at another time, your progress file is still there. That's not been deleted. You don't lose what you've built in the game or your engagement with the game. So it's about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.

    > "I still have two boxes of DVDs. I definitely understand the gamers perspective with that. But as people embrace that model, they will see that these games will exist, the service will continue, and you'll be able to access them when you feel like. That's reassuring.

    They want games to be like streaming movies and TV shows. He talks a lot about how "reliable" those streaming services are, and thus people felt comfortable ditching their DVD and Blu-ray collections. But the funny part is that the lack of reliability in those spheres is leading to a huge increase in piracy. So how comfortable are they really not owning their media? Partly I think it's that once people got comfortable ditching those collections and relying on streaming, they were able to squeeze customers and it started getting worse. I feel like this happens with everything as the growth curve reaches its limit.

    No one knows where to find stuff, ads are increasing even for paid subscriptions, you have to go to multiple services to finish one show, and sometimes they're removed and nowhere to be found (not even moved to another streaming service or physical media), prices are increasing faster and faster, work is being canceled after the artists and creators have put in their effort but before it's released, and Google is pulling all that shit with ad-blockers and YouTube. Right now game subscriptions seem great, but I'm sure they will be no different once they reach maturity in this cycle.

    Despite capitalism being the best system for protection of private property according to its advocates, I'm fairly sure our oligarchs would prefer if everything worked on a rentier model and we owned nothing (and everything we do own, we are in debt for).


    What's a good, relaxing PS5 game to while away the time? My ex used The Sims, a lot of people use Animal Crossing. I only have a PC and a PS5, and sometimes it's nice to cuddle up on the couch under a blanket in this cold weather.

    So far one I've considered while browsing the recent sales is Cities:Skylines, but not sure how it plays with a controller. And I haven't see Stardew Valley have a sale pop up yet, but that sounds relaxing as well. I have no other ideas lol.
