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  • I was just thinking about his reviewing kids drawings yesterday and pulled up the website to see if he has anything I haven’t seen in the decade plus since I’ve visited and then I got distracted and didn’t even check. Seeing his name on this made me do a double take.

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    Twenty percent of hard drives used for long-term music storage in the 90s have failed
  • We use giant cabinets connected up to the size of entire 10’x12’ rooms that you can walk around in with robots that move the required tapes into position to provide online access. Data legally required to be maintained for 25+ years (10s of petabytes a month) is written to two additional LTO storage systems and those tapes are cataloged, secured, and transported to separate physical locations. Just because you sell things or these other cocksure people are commenting on here doesn’t mean you actually have any practical experience in providing long term archival solutions that can be stored in deep underground secure vault locations without external dependencies.

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    Not my pee pee!
  • My mother said I was not circumcised as a baby but it’s nothing I talked to her about again and I suppose she could have been lying.

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    Not my pee pee!
  • I was circumcised in my late teen’s and had none of those issues or noticed any difference in sex other than it didn’t hurt like hell when I would cum anymore. I was left with a scar on the head and shaft from where they had to cut the string thing that connected the two. It might be because the head of my dick was already fully exposed when flaccid and uncomfortably so when erect. I still remember the first stringy bit tearing the first time I had sex, hurt like a mf. After a few more times I got the courage to ask my mom, who I had a poor relationship with, to take me to the doctor which resulted in them performing the operation to remove the much thicker, comparably, stringy bit that connected the head to the shaft.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • That just gave me some deep seated nostalgia, I forgot how much I enjoyed that week off of school we’d get. I feel so out of place trying to get my sons raised up sometimes. My entire grade size was never over 37 and that was with five combined towns going to the same school. We live in a town of fifty thousand people in a different state and everything feels so big to me even though I’ve lived here nearly twenty years. Anytime I’ve stayed in a real city for more than a night or two my anxiety goes into overdrive, I don’t know how people do it.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • I had a shotgun and .223 in the back window gun rack of my truck through middle school and high school (started driving at 14 with a school permit) with shells and rounds in the glove box. Nothing was ever locked where I grew up either; homes, vehicles, businesses.

    Granted I grew up in a town with under 1,000 people and the closest ‘city’ to us was an hour away and had a population of 25k.

    That was forty years ago and I feel a lot differently about things and the world is a different place but when I grew up more students and teachers had guns in their vehicles at school than didn’t. Everyone hunted, I pulled off and shot a coyote in pack that was stalking around one of my teachers herd of cows on the way to school one winter. I took the coyote into class and gave it to him since I had him first period.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • I stopped consuming animal products for three years waiting for this utopia everyone parrots but every time I went to the grocery store the shelves were stocked exactly as they were before I stopped before waking up and realizing it was a pointless escapade of dealing with a situation akin to burying your head in the sand about global warming because you ‘recycle’.

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    Say the line
  • Oh, I was thinking of it as a replacement of the prison industry. So just let everyone remain free but just lose basic income instead. It interested me because I think I could do without the extra income, save the tax payers money, and accomplish some personal goals at the same time.

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    Say the line
  • As I’ve grown older and have had friends and family face various traumatic and life altering events I think I have come to realize that normal isn’t necessarily a thing and even if I concede that I understand what is meant by normal, all of us are a lot closer to not being normal than we would like to admit and crossing that line is often outside of an individuals control, no matter how much easier it is to dismiss and vilify.

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    Say the line
  • If I murder someone and lose basic income for say five years does it go up to ten years if I murder another person or could it be served concurrently?

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    the purpose of a system is what it does
  • I don’t feel like you called me out at all but that doesn’t seem to establish any kind of legal human right to any specific area of interest that I have seen discussed here. Are you able to clarify how I’m missing that part of it?

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    the purpose of a system is what it does
  • Government identifies optimal residential location for facility. Invites largest residential land owner in that location over. Place land lenders head in guillotine. Presents document to sign over land to the government assuring them they can maintain possession of their head in turn. Validate signature. Remove head so they can’t claim they signed under duress.

    If they refuse to sign then remove head and forge signature.

    Needs strict compartmentalization. Group A identifies optimal location and knows nothing about anyone else.

    Group B finds land owner but knows nothing about why or who it’s for.

    Group C secures ownership transfer documents and sends to a drop box

    Group D delivers landowners to intake facility but knows only who they are getting and to where.

    Group E transports landowner to meeting facility/room.

    Group F picks up transfer documents and holds meeting with land owner. Sends documents to city hall.

    Nobody knows or talks to anyone outside of their group or is provided any information on why they are performing their portion of the process. Group F needs to be strictly limited to a very small number of people. Vetting for group F is done by kidnapping a potential candidates young children and spouse while leaving a note where they are to report for work. Perform their duties for six months to have their family safely returned. During the exit interview remind the group F individual and kidnapped party that all group F members that have ever been involved in the history of the program, their family along with any subsequent family members will be executed should they ever speak to anyone regarding the existence of the program.

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    the purpose of a system is what it does
  • My first residence after the military was a common kitchen and living room with an exterior door and four bedrooms with a bedroom door at each corner with its own keyed entry. Each bedroom had its own closet and bathroom. So you needed an exterior door key and your bedroom door key to get to your room from the quad. It was one of my favorite places to live and I didn’t get along well with one of the other guys but we just left each other alone.

    The building had eight of these quads per floor per building and it was two stories. Two buildings were connected on the second floor by an attached breezeway and paths to the stairs. The first floor had a rec room and facility office in leu of two of the center first floor quads.

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    the purpose of a system is what it does
  • Maybe your opinion is that housing is a human right but I’m not sure where you are drawing that definitive conclusion from. Are you saying it’s a legal right somewhere or that it’s your emotional stance? In my experience, housing, or even just shelter, is a human responsibility not a right.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’d sure be nice if it was a legal right for folks to have a safe shelter of sorts. Men are commonly turned away from the limited shelters that exist due to comfort and safety concerns for women and children. I don’t see how that happens if it’s a human right.
