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Let the man enjoy his boats
  • So it's a social crutch they can lean on to find community? I'm pretty sure I mentioned something like that in my comment.

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    Let the man enjoy his boats
  • People often accuse me of being Autistic and it infuriates me to no end. I don't care if I am or not I don't give a shit about knowing. I'm perfectly fine without the label and I'll keep being fine.

    I hate that so often we are encouraged to label ourselves in society and that just as often people seek these labels to fit in, gain community or otherwise make themselves more interesting by incorporating some quirky or less than common fact about themselves as a whole personality trait.

    I am finding more and more that neruodivergent labels are becoming the new version of houses in basic bitch Astrology.

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    Let the man enjoy his boats
  • The insinuation here is the obsessive behavior. The text calls it a madness so I'm guessing it was a sudden occurrence.

    I'm not an expert on Autism or other mental situations like ADHD mind you but it seems pretty likely Thrasyllus became hyper fixated on boats one day and he basically became a harbor manager for it much like you see other hobbyists become conductors or train line engineers for toy trains and that before the very modern diagnosis of Autism came about these people were considered strange until the behavior could in some part be explained by neurodivergent behaviors/tendencies.

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    Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"
  • The dude has had long enough to learn how to mask. He knows what he's saying and what it means. Don't make excuses and definitely do not try to besmirch what little positivity autistic people have these days

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    News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it
  • Well duh, you think the major media companies that own like 99% of all local news stations and constantly run fear mongering stories and give Republicans soft ball questions and a platform to speak on are really going to leak into against Trump?

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    Aged like milk
  • I'm honestly convinced in a very defeatist way that this will cement any uncertainty of his canadicty on the right and win him the election this year because of it.

    I can picture it now "Nobody ever tries to kill the bad guy, look at history MLK jr, Kennedy, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Hitl- history all looks upon the vile left and shames them for trying to engineer such things."

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    Intel is “selling defective CPUs” says game dev in brutal smackdown
  • What a multibillion dollar international company selling subpar or downright unusable products for additional profits?! In 2024?! Why that's practically SHOCKING!

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    Hunter Biden convicted of three felony counts in federal gun trial
  • Ah yes, they finally caught the Biden Crime Family, surely they will be forced to yield to the all powerful might of the very strong and handsome Trump. He's a shoe in to win the election now, no Russian or Chinese meddling or rioting to overturn the results needed!
