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Anon has a special request
  • Your height varies a surprising amount as your spinal column compresses - this seems to be more pronounced in tall people (not sure why - we don't have extra vertebrae).

    As an example, measure your height in the morning and before you go to bed.

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    The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • There's self-hosted LLMs, (e.g. Ollama), but for the purposes of this conversation, yeah - they're centrally hosted, compute intensive software services.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • Neither Netanyahu or Hamas are backing down. I'm asking you why you're calling for Hamas to surrender to be killed and accelerate the genocide rather than calling for Israel to stop the genocide.

    Calling it genocide isn't debatable if you use the UN or dictionary definition of the word rather than tying yourself in knots to blame the victims for not dying faster.

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    The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • Unlike regular piracy, accessing "their" product hosted on their servers using their power and compute is pretty clearly theft. Morally correct theft that I wholeheartedly support, but theft nonetheless.

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    American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • I'd argue that assuming they'd even get a passing mention is overly charitable - to your point, look at all the aid workers murdered outside that particular instance that got no reporting... and the fact that people need to be told that they've killed hundreds of aid workers and journalists - the most per day of any conflict in history initially.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • Surrendering to those genociding your people so that they can genocide you more easily isn't a better solution.

    Why are you blaming the victims of a genocide rather than calling for Israel to stop committing the genocide and surrender to the Hague? Israel are the ones with the actual ability to stop this, and they're the ones committing orders of magnitude more atrocities.

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    Dear America
  • Think about the precedent that pulling down discussions wholesale because some inconsequential detail about them is wrong sets.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • To summarise, Hamas is at fault because they're not surrendering to be killed, allowing Israel to mulch the Palestinians so fast that the international community miiight turn against them where the ongoing genocide and thousands of gleefully documented warcrimes haven't?

    Does this seem like a reasonable assignment of blame or viable solution to the issue to you?

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    Say the line
  • Don't make the mistake of thinking the people pushing this are doing so on ideological grounds - they don't give a single fuck about any of this - it's just an issue they can exploit to rally the common clay, salt of the earth folk.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • Now can you explain why Hamas is at fault for not laying down to get genocided when doing so will only let Israel wipe out Palestine faster?

    While you're at it, you can explain how the age of the conflict changes that in any way.

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • In that case, I guess one of us had a stroke... Though I can't rightly say who.

    Edit: After re-reading, it was definitely me - my mistake.

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • You're conflating actively supporting the genocide of Palestine (something the US doesn't benefit from outside Israel) and maintaining a strategic partner/toehold in the region - even if they're an ethnostate (something the US does benefit from).

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • Are you OK, my guy?

    The recent Israeli influence on the US is undeniable. The rest is a strawman that's the product of an unhinged mind.

    If you've got a point to make, be my guest... but this ain't it.

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • This isn't influence, this is communication.

    As for the US doing something it otherwise wouldn't do, the US gains nothing from the genocide of Palestine that doesn't relate directly to Israel. You've made two contradictory statements, and they're both wrong.

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    US has 'biblical' duty to support 'one Jewish state', Trump's former ambassador says: Report
  • Well they're busy shitting all over the constitution, democracy, the rule of law, common fucking decency, common sense, voters, and the English language - the establishment clause was bound to catch some splatter.

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    "working tirelessly"
  • What would Hamas backing off look like, exactly?

    Genocide, much like war requires 2 parties - the perpetrators and the victims. You seem to have the two confused.

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    Palestinian girl killed by Israeli sniper in West Bank was looking out the window, father says
  • Biden knows perfectly well... As does Netanyahu and the IDF. All should be in the Hague, but instead, we'll make a mockery of the UN and the concept of international law - all in service of a range of cocktails of political expediency and hate.
