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What in the actual hell is going on in the Ukraine
  • Subconcious pedo fantasy

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    BBC apologizes to Prof. Deborah Brautigam for misrepresenting her views on “Debt Trap Diplomacy"
  • I've noticed the media is backtracking on the debt trap myth and saying its false now. What's up with that? I dont trust them

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    What is the most disgraceful thing you have seen committed against oppressed people or socialist heroes.
  • Why do fascists have such a hatred for socialists? People who only want to help the world and all peoples. Do they hate us so much because they are secretly envious of our ability to have compassion instead of selfishness?

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    Enough Commie Spam allowed the Denial of Service Attacks
  • He's not doing a very good job, its not been down for me at all.

    What a sad little person.

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    Putin upholds the immortal science of Harry Potterism
  • The Tumblrinas had an identity crisis when Rowling came out as a TERF though. They had to kill their God. Ricky Gervais is about to swing to the alt-right too, but his fans already hate him at least.
