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Good game. I spend 5h today planing my railways
  • The trailer had a funny comment in Russian under it: "Cool, houses are built immediately shabby, cars leave factories immediately rusty, and roads are laid immediately with cracks.... funny Western vision of the USSR, lol)"

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    God bless the imperial system and bald eagles 🦅🦅🦅🦅 (oil too)
  • SPB's stations are some of the nicest I had the pleasure of being in. The focus back when it was built really was on the people.

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    Who killed the most Nazis?
  • didn't even need to scratch you.

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    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Pushes for Gender Equality in Domestic Duties
  • of course there's a canadian idiot here talking about the title as if your country's leader isn't literally called a prime minister.

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    So sad 😭

    "But the CIA’s interim system contained a technical error: It connected back architecturally to the CIA’s main covert communications platform"

    "U.S. intelligence officers were also able to identify digital links between the covert communications system and the U.S. government itself, according to one former official—links the Chinese agencies almost certainly found as well. These digital links would have made it relatively easy for China to deduce that the covert communications system was being used by the CIA."

    How do they say... "we kill based on metadata". A taste of their own medicine.

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    "If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?
  • What were they expecting 😭😭 what even is a non-political "big lie"? That the earth is round or something???

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    Why Bashar why? 😭
  • Does the word "Jews" actually appear here?

    "نفس الشيء قضيه المحارق 6 ملايين لا يجد اي دليل بان هناك سته ملايين يهودي قتلوا وربما حصلت محارق لا احد ينفيها وهناك معسكرات اعتقال"

    Yes he does say "يهود".

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • i was in the market for an armchair actually

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    2023 was a horrible year to be a Tankie
  • it's not satire 2023 was a horrible year for tankies. altho idk what op is talking about im just talking about me stubbing my toe really hard which was like my 4x 9/11s

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 47
  • You can also look up "bdnaash", it's an easy to search list in case you want to take it further.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • bro fr said follow reddiquette 🤓🤓🤓

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • i think they mean emojis in general. there was a weird hate for them on reddit in like 2016, probably because of "normies" or something of the like, that still remains in hyper-online communities

  • NSFW
    That's the kind of sex I want.
  • under the linens


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    The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.
  • But you know Kim is pretty smart keeping his people uninformed about the world outside his country since it's probably gonna be bad for him. If people really knew that he was not willing to give up his nuclear bullshit and keeping his people perpetually in the verge of famine while their southern counterparts are economically thriving, he probably would lose a lot of his popularity. He's not making the same mistake as East Berlin that's for sure.

    lmfao you're actually brainwashed. Read the book I told you to read. Read up on the NIS and the NSL/NSA in South Korea. I would recommend you watch the indie documentary "Loyal Citizens of Pyongyang in Seoul" but I can already imagine your reaction..

    Is this what you say every night to feel better about how your tankie ideology is lamented by any reasonable person in a democratic

    Also, your smug redditbrained crass way of interacting can only get you so far in any conversation before someone just tells you to educate yourself. Throwing out a "tankie!! tankie!!" and trying to put words in someones mouth in anticipation before you can even absorb a position you, self-admittedly, know nothing about is not how you learn in a conversation, and if you're not learning or coming to any common ground then you're just trolling. So stop, go read.

  • SSR State is shared between users

    Known issue (#1882) lol ignore. Serves me right for not checking first. No action taken on it, though.

    Steps to reproduce

    Discovered this by accident, and I don't have any concrete steps or evidence.

    When I refresh, instead of my username and PFP at the top right I see someone else's for a brief moment before (presumably as the XHR completes) it is replaced by my own. It looks like the server prerenders the HTML doc with someone else's information in that username area, probably the person who requested the page last. Maybe it's the specific page, maybe it's the person who requested any page on the website.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open a post
    2. Reload.. probably only on hard reload
    3. Hope to see someone's name before you see yours

    Sometimes it doesn't do this. Maybe because I was the last person to send a request? Maybe the servers and internet is too fast at that moment?

    Obviously the issue isn't so bad if it's contained to the top-right username, but potentially someone else can see what other people's pages generate, and I don't know enough about Lemmy to know if there's something sensitive there.
