I haven't had any major discussions guiding people to veganism that i can recall, i mostly just try to host my friends and cook them delicious vegan food so that they know vegan food can be delicious too. All my friends and family know I'm vegan and know they can ask me questions. A lot ask me for the recipes i make. If they ask questions about being vegan then i answer and ask them what's stopping them and see if theres any misconceptions i can help with. I wouldn't say those are major conversations, just small guiding ones
It's funny because I'm having a similar experience with arch Linux meme. after seeing it so much i started reading about why it's so great and i have considered using it when i switch my main pc over to Linux. right now just my servers run on Linux so I'm not unfamiliar with it, but haven't switched my daily driver yet.
I can't tell if this is hilarious or genius. I guess both! But im glad it worked!
I wanted to be supportive of my SO and when we started renting a new place i agreed that it would be meat-free (she was Vegetarian at the time). Within a few months she wanted to become vegan after 20 years Vegetarian. I said no problem and we made our house vegan. When we went out to eat i just ate vegan with her and after 7 months or so i realized i had been vegan so i might as well just commit to it.
So yeah, kind of silly. I do take issue with the meat* industry and all that but what made me decide was basically just "that wasn't so hard" and i just kept doing it. That was about 7 years ago? Crazy.
How has becoming vegan improved your life?
So many ways, but the one I'll say is i eat much healthier now. I used to never eat my fruits and veggies, and i lived out of the freezer with prepackaged meals. Now i could go live in my garden
Shoes - ahimsa
https://www.noracooks.com/about/ - Everything we've tried from there has been good. The blueberry pancake recipe is great (and also works as waffles)
Also check out your library. Few years ago we got a ton of books and just copied a bunch of recipes that sounded good. Still trying new things from that because we found a lot of favorites.
There's a term for that! Brandolini's law
It's the result of the meme factor that both groups will self identify themselves. It's the age old joke of "how do you know someone [is/does] Z"? (They'll tell you)
Doesn't bother me though
Alright I'll try calling my SO agavendicksaft. If you never hear from me again then you know what happened
Plant- based is literally worthless. It's just marketing fluff. You can have a plant-based stew with rocks, sand, or meat in it. The BSI definition would say this isn't plant-based but plant-based its not a protected term. Also even with the BSI definition it can still contain less than 5% meat derived ingredients which is not vegan. Aka worthless
Same, long day and took too long to read it right lol
The post is about the other silk-- the natural fiber that is harvested by killing silk moths.
The soy milk has at least some vegan flavors
I lead similarly with "i love animals" and then i watch to see how much cognitive dissonance they have