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The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • I really only need like 2 or 3 mm of extra nail on one thumb to open oranges and grapefruits perfectly fine. Anything longer than that and it becomes unwieldy and unhygienic.

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    The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • I accept that people sometimes keep their nails long. That acceptance comes with a caveat that I will not be eating anything handled by hands with long nails.

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    According to the MAGA copium, Trump won because he never stood a fair chance against this monster
  • Never give any credibility to their lies. Shut them down wherever possible, and substitute evidence of the projection they stand for.

    The claims that Kamala Harris ever had any engaged in sexual activity with anyone who had any power over the trajectory of her career are unsubstantiated.

    The claims that Donald Trump associated with convicted pedophile and indicted sex trafficer Jeffrey Epstein, and that this association included visits to his private island, which was the scene of many of his crimes, are proven. The claim that Donald Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting women is supported by a 2005 audio clip that has been public since 2016

    The unsubstantiated claims about Kamala Harris, even if they are true, are far less serious than either of the aforementioned claims about Donald Trump. This is not an issue of sexual misconduct "on both sides". This is an issue of double-standards and propaganda.

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    Why does one party keep interfering with voting?
  • They should, at a minimum, have a ballot for every single voter registered to that precinct.

    That's what voter registration is for.

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    You should treat the new AI as a coworker and friend!
  • If chat GPT were anywhere as advanced as Data I would 100% accept him as a coworker. The problem with LLMs isn't that they're not people, the problem is that they lack any sense of logic and abstract reasoning, relying on heuristic analysis to cover that weakness. As a result, they're quite frequently wrong, and don't have a way to know when they might be wrong, leading to them presenting every answer with the same level of confidence.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • I have a feeling USB drives will be readable for a long time to come, considering that we still use the standard almoat everywhere, nearly 28 years after its introduction.

    That said, copying the data from old archives into new formats is always a good idea

    Edit: I was envisioning actual external hard disk or solid state drives accessible using a USB connection. Thumb drives and other ultra-portable data formats are notorious for poor data integrity over time.

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    Senate leaders ask FTC to investigate AI content summaries as anti-competitive | TechCrunch
  • I REALLY hope LLM companies get the book thrown at them, specifically under DMCA. It's such a flagrant double standard that these companies get to profit off of plagiarism while creators are constantly at risk of being falsely flagged for violating copyright and having huge streams of their income taken away at a moment's notice

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    Kamala Harris Accepted Trump’s Racist Lie That Immigration Is Bad
  • I personally agree with you on nearly all points, but it's not what's being argued by both major parties so I opted to leave it out of my original comment. I would argue that even if those changes couldn't be made because politics, that at least documenting everyone who enters would have the effect of more accurate data than census and job reports can provide, because one is a 10-year process and the other is excluding non-working immigrants and those who do work exclusively under the table

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    Kamala Harris Accepted Trump’s Racist Lie That Immigration Is Bad
  • Uncontrolled immigration IS a bad thing, because properly documenting the people who enter our country is vital for providing public services in a manner that reflects the population makeup.

    Nearly everyone agrees that undocumented border crossings should be reduced, they disagree on how to do this.

    That said, a failure to counter incoherent nonsense does not an acceptance make. Strive to post less sensationalist headlines

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    Billionaire Mark Cuban Puts Name Up for Top Job in Harris Administration
  • Not to mention, he tends to spend his money by investing in startups that (as far as I can tell) actually solve a problem. He's not one to cut corners and inflate values needlessly, and he's far more concerned with making a business successful than extracting every penny of profit possible.

    Do I think it's bad that one man has as much power has he does? Absolutely. Am I glad that at least one man with as much power as he does uses it to make the world a little better? You bet.

    Mark Cuban is not an example of why Billionaires should be allowed to exist, he's just an example of how being a billionaire doesn't NECESSARILY mean you're an evil person.

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    Jill Stein is a plant to nobody's surprise.
  • Oh yeah I remember how the green party caused Florida to be just barely conservative in 2000 when the supreme Court blocked the recount.

    It really sucks to see.

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    The NSA Has a Podcast—Here's How to Decode It
  • Yeah I get a big popup that says "Plaintext is exclusive to subscribers" on the direct link. However if I enable reader mode, navigate to the author's page, then navigate back, it works fine
