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Force stop and clear cache if you're not seeing the new update
  • That's impossible. The Play Store app doesn't care about Sync's cache. That was simply coincidence.

    Cleaning the Play Store app's cache on the other hand might help.

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    Is there an OSS Antivirus software available ?
  • It's also well known that so called anti-virus software is doing crazy shit on your machine and is actually opening it up for many exploits.

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  • Ich merke es mir tatsächlich über diesen Witz:

    Honecker steht morgens auf, geht ans Fenster und begrüßt die Sonne:
    H: "Guten Morgen, liebe Sonne."
    S: "Guten Morgen, Genosse Staatssekretär und Vorsitzender des Staatsrats der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik." Honecker fährt nach Berlin ins Zentralkommitee zur Arbeit, am Mittag macht er eine Pause, tritt hinaus auf den Balkon und sagt: "Guten Tag, liebe Sonne."
    S: "Guten Tag, Genosse Staatssekretär und Vorsitzender des Staatsrats der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.". Nach Feierabend fährt Honecker wieder nach Hause, nach dem Abendbrot tritt er noch einmal nach draußen und sagt: "Guten Abend, liebe Sonne."
    S: "Jetzt kannst du mich mal, jetzt bin ich im Westen!"

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  • Signal ist ein Dienst, der sehr gute Sicherheit bietet. Das macht ihn aber noch nicht gut.

    • Die Desktop-App funktioniert nur, wenn das Handy online ist
    • Die Desktop-App funktioniert nur, wenn man sie mindestens alle dreißig Tage startet
    • Die Desktop-App zeigt keine alten Nachrichten an
    • Backups sind richtig beschissen
    • Nachrichten lassen sich nicht editieren (erst seit der aktuellen Beta)
    • Bilder lassen sich nur über Umwege unkomprimiert versenden, und dann auch nur einzeln
    • Beim Versenden von Bildern gibt es immer wieder Probleme (wird nur schwarz angezeigt)
    • Die UX ist nicht gut (und laut Entwicklern auch keine Priorität)


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    Would You Rather Give Up Meat Or Flying For The Environment?
  • I live in Germany, where high speed trains are the norm and traveling by train is pretty common. It's still much more expensive than flying. But at least it's getting faster and faster, to a point where it beats traveling by car or even plane. Munich to Berlin (600 km) in less than four hours, nothing can beat that.

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    Would You Rather Give Up Meat Or Flying For The Environment?
  • For me, both price and time are very compelling reasons to fly, unfortunately.

    The state of the environment is an even more compelling reason for me not to. But for many people it's not. That's why the price of flying must be raised enough, and alternatives like traveling by train must be made more attractive. So that there is enough reason not to fly for everyone.

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    GDPR settings are simply insane
  • For me, everything was disabled once I opened the dialog options. Legitimate interest was still enabled, but that's compliant to the GDPR.

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    Netflix kills Basic plan, making its cheapest ad-free tier $15.49
  • But that's the point I'm making. It's absolutely fine that it's not as simple as using a ready-made service. And we shouldn't behave like it is, because that's just not true.

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    Red Hat-proposed Fedora opt-out Telemetry is opposed by 74%. Red Hat is deeply involved despite naysayers.
  • If that is your stance, then there is literally zero privacy anymore. Zilch.

    If I'm walking down the street and somebody marks that one person walked down the street, does that invade my privacy?

    In that case, how does the concept of privacy even matter anymore? There is none, and there never will be.

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    Netflix kills Basic plan, making its cheapest ad-free tier $15.49
  • Even though many people suggest that, I don't believe you can compare any off-the-shelf streaming service with a self-hosted Plex.

    You have to find and download content to your Plex. You don't get recommendations. You don't get a built-in interface on your smart TV. You have to deal with network configuration, VPN, private trackers, seeding ratios etc.

    How on earth is that comparable to pressing the Netflix button on your TV and selecting a recommended show? Even my boomer parents managed to do this on their own.

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  • Bringt halt meiner Erfahrung nach gar nichts. Zumindest habe ich noch nie eine Reaktion oder eine Antwort bekommen.
