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Men losing their mind
  • Good lord the discourse here is about as well as the man or bear discussions.

    Something I notice is how everytime someone makes these kinds of criticisms, the counterarguments turn into a pit of semantics and extropolations. As if the original post was a massive research thesis rather than just women venting frustration over the entitlement and danger they're subjected to daily.

    You gotta look past the specific wording to see the overarching societal themes, emotions, and issues. It's like those magic eye pictures.

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    That Debate Showed Why Dems Shouldn’t Tack Rightward—Ever
  • While watching the debate it was funny watching Trump say she'll end fracking like that's a bad thing (though even with green energy, I do admit we'd still need it for plastic).

    I joked "next he'll attack her by saying she'll drive up green energy" then he literally did. Said she'd return to windmills and dare to use desert land for solar panels, oh the humanity xD.

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    Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?
  • Thing is Trump made his most ridiculous statements highly memeable.

    "They're eating the dogs!" is gonna live on like "They're turning the fricken frogs gay!"

    That might draw enough of the disinterested crowd to figure out what happened that night.

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    C rule
  • Or in some cases might crash 8.5 million computers worldwide.

    Yes the Crowdstrike crash was caused by going 1 past an array length, caused by a magic number index and a regex mistake, and wasn't caught because the tests didn't work.

    The whole thing was a compound series of amateur mistakes, but with kernel access at boot time.

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    What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • As a pansexual I feel that Bi and Pan have enough differences to both be justified while the others are micro labels (not invalid, just less useful as labels).

    But I recognize I'm drawing that line very conveniently for myself.

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    Those poor fools
  • Could just say "I'm nobody", then when they realize just say "I wasn't answering your question or giving you my name, I'm just nobody".

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    Kamala mistreats her staff /s
  • God I want someone this competent in office so badly. I'm tired of bad politicians conning the system and "good" politicians just running things on autopilot. I want a leader that understands their government so badly.

    This echoes what I've been feeling about Kamala's campaign too. I feel she'll be great at the job of presidency, but may have to rely on Walz to grease the wheels of congress to actually pass things.

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    Where is Chris Hansen when you need him?
  • Ah I understand, sorry for being blunt but there's a lot of people acting in bad faith when they question victim's actions in abusive situations.

    Rule of thumb is once abuse is involved, don't assume people will react rationally, you may accidentally say something insensitive.

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    Anon isn't a fan of Judas
  • I painstakingly used video transcription searches to figure out where I heard this from and I finally found it!

    It was touched on in this video Something's Hiding Outside This Game... at 52 minutes.

    The actual work being talked about is Three Versions of Judas by Jorge Luis Borges.

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    Anon isn't a fan of Judas
  • There's a fascinating idea that Judas was the one who committed the ultimate sacrifice. That god chose him to be his human incarnate, to truly experience humanity and guilt by committing an ultimate betrayal and becoming the villain of biblical history. All allowing him to finally understand and forgive humanity's sin, by committing one himself. It follows that this is supposedly maddening knowledge as it breaks the illusion of Christ's sacrifice.

    I'm definitely butchering and ad-libbing the original idea, but I think this makes for a grander story than the traditional "birth myself to sacrifice myself to myself to forgive everyone else" interpretation.

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    Where is Chris Hansen when you need him?
  • A father-daughter dynamic means he had full control over her formative years and had full ability to groom her.

    I highly doubt he was a normal parent for 18 years then suddenly acted creepy and she was just ok with it.

    Without speaking to her as a person, it's certain that if something's happening it's the result of grooming, therefore making her an SA victim.

    We can recognize that as the tragedy it is and still think she's a bad person for other reasons, these aren't mutually exclusive.

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  • I have never needed to haul something before and I'd probably need the backseats more than a pickup.

    But I really want that now.

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    America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • This is the Overton Window, the window of acceptable topics for public discourse, and it's unrelated to testosterone (I know, surprising /s).

    A misaligned Overton Window (like a slow response to an impending disaster) is hard to counteract because the experts dealing with the topic may lose their credibility by trying to push against the window.

    But I have heard the theory that the evolutionary reason for autism may be to counteract this effect. A small amount of genuine vocal concern could encourage others to speak out and break the tension surrounding the topic.

    This vocal concern is not however gonna come from the evershifting lies of the X and 4chan echo chambers.

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    AI Rule
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  • Everyday I would wake up with severely sore arms, like they were clenched somehow.

    Blood test said Vitamin D deficiency, but the supplements didn't do anything noticeable. But I was on the border of anemia so they told me to try iron supplements too.

    Gone overnight. I'm so used to problems being an exhausting road to recovery that this one took me by surprise.

  • I'm a Tans Pan Girl who's a little ENBY but still she/her. Obligatory I like programming, D&D, and MTG.

    I made the transition (heh) from Reddit and it's been surprisingly smooth. I initially set up base in but after seeing 196 and SapphicArt (please post more there) I moved to Blahaj.

    I was worried there wouldn't be enough content or gay energy for my 12 hour work day but the 196 rule is ingenious for quickly populating a social network.
