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Ventoy source code contains some unknown BLOBs, still no word on the issue from the dev after months
  • Don't know why you're being downvoted, hackernews is an awful site of smug, dumb software "engineer" tech bros with some of the worst takes on anything that isn't explicitly about how to code

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    'We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence. We compute one pixel, we infer the other 32': Jensen thinks AI is integral to next-gen graphics tech
  • Even the PS4 and Xbox One were able to produce gorgeous graphics.

    But not always (or even usually IMO) at decent frame rates. I get major motion sickness and nauseous if a game doesn't run near 60fps constantly, it's really unfortunate.

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    Strong Female Characters
  • I was going to suggest this book! It's my favorite scifi book of all time, I genuinely love it.

    And if you go for the audiobook version, it's narrated by Jennifer Hale! Who of course fucking nails it!

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    How China’s first AAA game Wukong Became One of the Fastest Selling Games in History
  • I've not seen any evidence it was a mistranslation, and they've made multiple similar comments. And there's a few in-game moments that also reflect that type of casual misogyny. I've also seen it commented on by several outlets and players in the genre, so I have no idea what you mean by "hit piece" since I'm not referring to a single article.

    Second, why on earth wouldn't you open with this as your argument instead of "apparently the sexist comment by the devs was right"?? Lol it seems like you support the Gamergate level sexism smh

    Critical support for sexist game devs is praxis, apparently /s

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • The "utility" of utilitarianism isn't that type of utility. IIRC it generally refers to the idea of maximizing happiness and minimizing harm, with a focus on outcomes of the whole, rather than the individual. Efficiency of labor doesn't explicitly factor into it.

    Personally, I think you're just rationalizing being lazy and potentially causing harm to others, which isn't utilitarian at all.

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    Foreshadowing rule
  • It's a weak criticism without comparisons. As others in the comments pointed out, most countries around the world have similar numbers, and I don't think we're on the brink of a worldwide revolution lol

    Plus it's not like France was some bastion of democracy after the French Revolution, we should really be trying to avoid past mistakes.

    And since people who often post such hyper-fixated US-centric economic critiques usually argue in favor of China, I genuinely wanted to know how China's numbers look too. I'm certain Russia's numbers are fucking terrible but I wanted a laugh so I included them.

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    Anon meets a good man
  • Oddly enough I once got hit by a car driven by John Goodman.

    We lived in the same neighborhood while I was doing Norm and I never actually saw him but my lady neighbors wouldn't stop yammering about living near John and his red Porsche Carrera. I don't drive. I'm not afraid of cars or anything, I just don't care for 'em. I was walking to grab eggs before the grocery store closed one night -- this was back before everything was open 24/7 -- and I saw a red Carrera coming in the right lane but he had a red light and no turn signal on so I figured I could cross the street at the light no problem. Then I remembered that ol' Pacha himself drove a red Porsche and I thought I should ask for an autograph when he stopped. My son was a huge fan and would have got a kick out of it. There was a problem though. John turned right and barely slowed down before his windshield broke my fall.

    He got out and started apologizing and I couldn't believe it was him. Living in the same neighborhood, working in the same circles, attending the same professional events, and I was to meet John after he nearly ran over me. When he got out of the car I was digging through my wallet for something he could sign for my son and he apologized and asked how much it would cost to keep the police out of the whole affair. I said I didn't want any money, just a signed picture or something. He kind of looked at me weird and asked why I wanted his autograph and then it hit me: It wasn't John. It didn't even look like him. Not one day goes by that I don't think about that old man and how much I want to punch him right in the fucking face.
