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Public Broadcasters of Europe, Let's All Join Mastodon!
  • Every company should do it. Have their own instance, have a main corporate account, one for each of their brands, and availability of for staff to have accounts there.

    Companies complain about the lack of moderation on twitter under Musk, so do something about it.

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    It would simply be too good for this universe to handle
  • Gordon invents time travel by crowbarring a combine thing.

    Sorted that plot hole out pronto.

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    New extremism definition unveiled by government
  • We're also gonna ban the Tories!

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    Ghislaine Maxwell appeals sex abuse conviction
  • No. You stay in jail forever.

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    Trump Apparently Has a List of Things He Loves About Adolf Hitler
  • You forgot:

    Orange Hitler-loving demented rapist fraud.

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    [ARCH] [EASYAF] Use RAM for Firefox and boost performance and decrease drive wear
  • Also befriending a drugged up DARPA dolphin will be a massive boon too.

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    UK lawyer to oversee ICC investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories
  • Are you not able to read 2 letter acronyms?

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    Donald Trump won’t give ‘a penny’ to Ukraine if elected, Orbán says
  • yet again showing they're a clownshow of tankie nonsense.

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    The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers

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    Trump tightens grip on US Republican Party as daughter-in-law takes key post
  • This is only true if he doesn't lose.

    He's losing. A lot.

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    Biden Legacy = Genocide
  • More pro trump astroturfing?

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    Russia and China plan to install a nuclear power plant on the Moon
  • Don't forget the Uighurs or what Comrade Putin is doing in Ukraine, you idiot tankie.

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    I am actually surprised
  • Tankie cope is amongst the best copes.

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    The older I get, the more Carlin's perspective rings true for me.
  • So if you're ignorant, you're not causing the problem?

    What does this even mean?

    Also you you.

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  • In other news, the remaining T-84s come with cope cage mounting points installed at the factory!

    Not enough budget for the cope cage though.

  • This is Cleo. She's a bit strange.


    Apologies for the rant, as this will be a bit ranty.

    I really hate RNG. Like, it's punch the RNG person in the nads for the misery they've inflicted on me the past 2 weekends kinda dislike of RNG.

    I also hate trials, like, if trials was shot from a cannon, into the sun, I'd stand, staring at the sun, T-posing, until the sweet waft of burning trials slides up my nostrils.

    Now Bungo have got this idea in their silly little brain eggs that they should totally put really good PvE weapons in the most PvP of PvP modes. See also Reed's Regret.

    This season it's the Cataphract GL3. This is the only big boy (heavy) grenade launcher that can roll with Bait and Switch, which is rather good at the ol' DPS increase.

    So picture the scene, last week it was double crucible, so I decided on Friday "I'm gonna cause myself emotional pain and subject my very bad at PvP self to trials and nab myself a nice Baity Nade launcher, with spike, ALH or Envious assassin, and go about my weekend.

    Did this happen? Sadly, and predictably, no. Fast forward to this weekend, it's Double Trials fun, so off I go, getting mullered left, right and center, getting the occasional win, very few close games, mostly 0-5, sometimes 5-0, always pain. I keep racking up that trials faction, going up the ranks, grabbing each and every engram and focussing a Cataphract.

    I hit reset 5, FIVE (5) times, after using every engram to focus a Cataphract, so that's at least 80, and got quite a few (though never 7 in a row) from wins, I didn't count, but easily over 100. Until I got this niceness right here. !

    I really, really, really don't think that over 100 attempts at getting a weapon is really the fun and engaging activity that Bungie envisioned. Crafting is the best thing to happen in Destiny 2, at least you know you're working towards getting the roll you want, and not at the mercy of a number generating hate machine. Paul Tassi at Forbes can do one with his dislike of crafting, I'd take getting guns easier so I can use them rather than grinding something I really don't like for hours at a chance of something decent.

    Thank you for your time. I really hate trials. I also probably hate Destiny.

    I'll be back playing tomorrow.


    Got it from the first T7 Deep Dive after reset.


    I had a link, which being the smart man that I am didn't get bookmarked, that takes a Destiny Item Manager link, often seen in youtube build video descriptions, and parses it into a nice readable single page so I can fiddle with it before sticking in a build slot.

    Anyone have that link to share? Or was it a wild fever dream?

    Edit: Thanks to it's at


    Yes, he really is called Limmy, he's a Scottish Fold, so wanted to name him something Scottish, so named after Limmy that comedian. He's a proper chill cat, who's hobbies include naps, stealing q-tips and receiving boops.
