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Youtube Premium
  • Unless you know a way to decouple youtube from youtube music, im not wrong. I would happily pay that price for it too.

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    What's the stupidest rule your school ever enforced?
  • My school had a semi-loose dress code. Polos and button ups and the like. Also hoodies were allowed but what kind was usually based on the person who saw you in it. The one thing that never made sense to me was that girls couldnt show their shoulders. Wasnt an issue with guys, hell in weight training class guys and girls could wear tank tops. But anywhere else, even when school was out, the smallest amount of shoulder could get a girl wrote up. Even as a guy, this shit made no sense. It wasnt like some guy was gonna get aroused by a little shoulder so it didnt make much sense to play that “distracting guys” argument. And almost every teacher enforced this. My friend went on a long winded rant about it to me while waiting on the bus and ever since then its been confusing.

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    I feel like I'm spending less time on social media after switching to Lemmy
  • Same here, but as of now just need to find things to fill that gap. Started reading a little more this morning so hopefully that will help with that
