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I read that weed makes you not dream, then when you go off weed you have crazy dreams. So heavy, heavy weed users that quit, how long did you have crazy dreams for?
  • I've been taking chunks of days off from smoking recently. My dreams' vividness and frequency of remembrance increase a lot around 12-24 hours after being sober. That will last for a couple of days. I find I can avoid dreamless sleep if I just smoke less. Sometimes I'll take one fat rip before bed, I'll have a pretty wild dream vividness if I hadn't smoked for a couple of days.

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    Shiver me timbers
  • If you think any of these mistakes are an accident, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s an intentional shit post.

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  • Give it a year or two and we will be back to PHP. A lot of people are seeing the massive changes PHP has done and realizing it's just not as bad as it used to be. 7.x was a huge change, and 8.x is also doing great things. And so no one rages about my opinions, there's some sarcasm about "going back to PHP". Obviously the industry will stick to JS/TS for the most part.

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    Spoiler question about a certain Act 3 rescue
  • I just had this issue today too. I used Lae'zel's knock out. In my game, his journal entry updated immediately to dead despite 1HP. My current guess based on the flavor text for knockout saying it recovers after long rest, is only playable characters can be woken up. I considered trying to heal him, then punch him awake? At the end of the day, I couldn't figure out how to save him either. I suspect there's dialog maybe if you go in peacefully. I went to the top and worked my way down violently.
