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[Request] Ability to filter instance from All feed without entering instance to apply the filter and also have it applied immediately
  • Yes, but that still takes you away from the main feed to do that and you have to get the spelling right or it won’t work. When I’m the main feed, when you tap the three dots in the upper left of a post there is an option to block the user that made the post. An option to block the instance would be ideal.

  • I understand there are some filtering options coming in the next update, but it would be awesome to be able to filter an instance right from the main feed without having to actually enter the hentai furry porn instance to filter it from there. It’s a feature that was really awesome in Apollo and it applied immediately, removing the post and any other posts from that instance from the feed right away without having to refresh.


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    Could have been worse! Aluminum wiring, kid was running a gaming PC, dual monitor setup, a PlayStation and a mini fridge on a janky power bar. Fire department cut the receptacle out and threw it outside. Lucky.


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