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The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • I don't feel it is. They aren't saying that their physical requirements should be free (computers, engineers, programmers, electricity, etc...) which is what is being used for the analogy (cheese, ingredients, etc...).

    It would be better to claim "I run a sandwich shop and couldn't afford to run it if I had to pay for every recipe, idea, and technique I use in the business."

    Now, it's not as simple as this, and I'm not claiming it is. But this example isn't anywhere near correct. It's like the old claim that pirating something is the same as stealing it. The usage on one thing doesn't equal the loss of something physical.

    It's one of those reasons why laws about this are difficult. Too strict and no one would be able to do "fan"-anything and many other issues ("if it uses AI" takes out many digital tools, etc...), too loose and you don't really have laws at all.

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    School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety.
  • school-issued machines

    Stopped reading right there. Whenever you are issued a device, you should immediately assume it's being monitored by the owner of the device. This goes for school/job/etc. The owner of the device will always be monitoring it for reasons of making sure you are using the device for intended purpose to making sure you aren't using it for illegal purposes.

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • I'm sorry I proved you wrong to the point you had to resolve yourself to personal attacks. Do you feel better now?

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • Really?... Wow, not only did you copy pasta one of the oldest trolls online but you can't understand how illogical the troll is. And you want to accuse me of being a child?

    Your comment was disproved here.... In 2018. And it wasn't a new idea then either.

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • Your comment? I'm pretty sure yeah it was, and a really old one

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • So what you're saying is the biggest companies like Amazon, Google, ChatGPT, etc... can't perfect voice dictation when I'm talking directly and clearly to my device, but this company has been able to figure it out. And doing it while hiding from the smartphone OS that it's doing it. While the device is at a distance/hidden in my pocket. And is using it just to sell ads.


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    What's one brand whose products you can always trust?
  • It wasn't a debate not because I wanted a thesis, it's because all you wanted was to troll. Your entire comment was "lol, trust me bro. Here's a well known lie to back me up". And you were terrible at it. Go back to Reddit.

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    What's one brand whose products you can always trust?
  • Debate is over? You come here, attempt very poor attempt of a flood of BS, and call that a debate? 🤡

    Bonus points for linking to the well known and debunked "claim" that macs are cheaper over the long term than Windows. Wow, that sad attempt took me back (and I knew you'd use it). I can see you never looked into that claim. It claims that Windows needed AV, a $100+ a year, but macOS some mhow doesn't, even though macOS malware was on the rise even then. Combined with how they claimed half the enterprise security suites somehow weren't needed for macOS showed it wasn't a serious attempt (a lot like your messages).

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    What's one brand whose products you can always trust?
  • And you had anything beyond saying it to back it up.

    Hardware I've already proven, you, well... You made something up and hoped for the best.

    Software, as we are talking more about macOS at the beginning, it's a joke that you are claiming macOS has more and various software than Windows. There is a reason even Apple uses Windows and not macOS.

    Security, again, you made a quick claim and nothing to back it up. But here is a list of iOS exploits just from 2022-2023.

    User friendliness: this reeks of desperation. And has been proven in the past to be wrong, but keep trolling. I'll keep laughing 🤣

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    Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦
  • I meant a call 15 minutes before there were there.

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    Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦
  • Reminds me of my Telus internet.

    "A technician will come to fix your internet problem Tuesday and they will be there sometime between 8am to 5pm. They will give you a 15 minute call before they arrive. If there is no one home when they come by, you will be given a $150 no show fee."

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    You don't have to put on the red light
  • At that close range, you can easily hit tiny objects.

  • 47 “Should art be regulated by the SEC?” NFT artists file lawsuit

    SEC had ruled that some NFT digital art pieces are unregistered securities.

    What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • Doubt the top down GTA game would ever be made again. Last one was GTA Chinatown Wars and it sold terribly. Started on DS, and was ported to PSP, and now on iOS and Android.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • First batch don't have anything to do with what can get you arrested.

    Beyond that, a crime of passion is legally defined as:

    In criminal law, a crime of passion is a crime committed in the "heat of passion" or in response to provocation, as opposed to a crime that was premeditated or deliberated.

    Premeditated murder though is:

    Premeditation is when an individual contemplates, for any length of time, the undertaking of an activity and then subsequently takes the action.

    As for too drunk to consent, you can read "Victim Intoxication and Capacity to Consent in Sexual Assault Statutes across the United States"

    The result is the same, when you are dealing with a legal matter, you need real definitions, or you have laws that are too vague and overly ripe for abuse. It becomes the legal roulette of "is the cup half full or half empty" with someones life and/or future in the balance

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  • With how you have been commenting here, I'm not surprised that what you read...

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    Trump Considers Dropping Out Of ‘FAKE NEWS’ ABC Debate After ‘Biased’ Sen. Tom Cotton Interview
  • Wait, Don Old is dropping out of a debate (again) with Harris? Weird

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • "I'll know it when I see it."

    I can't think of anything scarier than that when dealing with the legality of anything.

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    What are the scariest horror movies?
  • The original Rec and Rec 2 are great, the third movie was terrible and the Hollywood remake of the first Rec is a disaster.

  • Microsoft to host security summit after CrowdStrike disaster

    Redmond wants to improve the resilience of Windows to buggy software.

    42 U.S. Justice Department sues RealPage, alleging it enabled price-fixing on rents

    The DOJ alleges RealPage colluded with landlords to inflate rental housing prices, harming millions of Americans.

    16 Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic”

    Pitchford's prediction that Steam could be "a dying store" have not come to pass.

    106 Typing these four characters could crash your iPhone | TechCrunch

    A bug in the iPhone makes it crash just by typing four characters.

    24 Google avoids “link tax” bill with deal to fund California journalism and AI

    Critics say Google got off easy as it agrees to pay $55 million into news fund.

    9 Ex-bank CEO gets 24 years after falling for crypto scam, causing bank collapse

    Former bank CEO ignored warnings that he was being scammed while tanking bank.

    77 Apple is still standing in the way of Epic’s app store

    Smaller developers could have a tough time on the iOS Epic Games Store.

    24 Novel technique allows malicious apps to escape iOS and Android guardrails

    Web-based apps escape iOS "Walled Garden" and Android side-loading protections.

    13 US tech giants fight Indian telcos' bid to regulate internet services, pay for network usage | TechCrunch

    Global technology giants are pushing back against attempts by India's telecom networks to bring internet services under stricter regulation, rejecting Global technology giants are pushing back against attempts by India's telecom networks to bring internet services under stricter regulation.

    5 Windows 0-day was exploited by North Korea to install advanced rootkit

    FudModule rootkit burrows deep into Windows, where it can bypass key security defenses.

    11 Google denies reports that it’s discontinuing Fitbit products

    Claims that there will be no new Versas or Senses is incorrect, rep says.

    99 Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters

    Judge dismisses Tesla/X link, accuses Media Matters of seeking "backdoor recusal."

    112 X says it is closing operations in Brazil due to judge's content orders

    SAO PAULO (Reuters) -Media platform X said on Saturday it would close its operations in Brazil "effective immediately" due to what it called "censorship orders" by Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes. X, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, claims Moraes secretly threatened one of the company's legal re...

    25 AT&T and Verizon ask FCC to throw a wrench into Starlink’s mobile plan

    Carriers allege Starlink/T-Mobile will interfere with existing mobile networks.

    16 Behold, Diablo is fully playable in your browser

    It controls and looks great, though the game was outshined by its sequels.

    8 Behold, Diablo is fully playable in your browser

    It controls and looks great, though the game was outshined by its sequels.

    17 WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency | CNN

    The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the ongoing mpox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency.
