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The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity. Eliminating capitalism and billionaires it produces is the only way to start meaningfully addressing the crisis.
  • People confuse the richest 1% of America and the richest 1% of the world. The former is multimillionnaires, the latter is like, software engineers in America. This article concerns the latter.

    The US is, give or take, 4% of the global population. So, the top income quintile ($153,000/yr and above) brings you to around 1% of the global population, with room for well-off people in other countries.

    In case your math skills are rusty, the global 1% is 80 million people. That's the same size as Germany, the country. Yes it includes oil barons, multinational CEOs, and whatnot, but also like, professionals in expensive cost-of-living areas like Californian software engineers.

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  • It is, but like everything imperial, it is cursed. So it still has a degree sign by convention despite being an absolute scale

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    Class Solidarity
  • "These people are not much different than the working class" oh my god.

    I'm going back to bed, that's enough for today.

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    What is your "I could have been rich" story?
  • What the hell is your lifestyle? The returns on an investment of 2 million dollars is like high 5 figures low 6 figures every year.

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    California’s new electric train makes for a shockingly better trip—we tried it
  • In my city they built a new shiny east-west electric line that fails every week, and they took out the old north-south diesel line for upgrades (but not electrification), which was way more reliable.

    Granted, I'm sure the reliability and power source are not correlated here, just my city transit commission (of late) is corrupt as fuck, so anything new sucks.

    The north-south upgrades were supposed to be done two years ago... I yearn for the day...

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    Lukashenko urges Russia and Ukraine to end war as Kursk incursion continues
  • Not fascism: sending every last Ukranian man into the meat grinder in the false hope that Ukraine can somehow win back all the territory it lost, which is an opinion literally no expert shares, but which is profitable for military industrial companies and advances US-specific strategic interests.

    Fascism: Opposing sending more Ukranian men into said meat grinder.

    Got it 👍

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  • tired of ignorant liberals parroting the same nonsense they've been taught from the cradle. No investigation, no right to speak.

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  • If the employees all take a week off, an organization grinds to a halt. If the bosses take a week off, it's business as usual. The employees do all the labour, but because of their relation to the equipment (tools, software, machinery, what have you) they are forced to give away almost all of the value they created to the boss. The boss does nothing except own the equipment, and yet reaps almost all the rewards. The bosses of all organizations, collectively, put employees and prospective employees into a dilemma: give them most of the value you create, or starve. In many if not most industries, it is prohibitively expensive to expect somebody to buy the equipment to work for themselves, among other unrealistic expectations.

    This fundamental relationship is a defining feature of capitalism. It cannot be done away with through the use of unions, and we can see this by looking at Sweden. Sweden still has homelessness, worker exploitation, value extraction, despite high union membership. The "success story" of capitalism is still exploitative, and again as we see in Sweden with the current dismantling of the social safety net, it is also temporary.

    But I'm not here to flesh out all the details, for God's sake read The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels or On Authority by Engels, they're not that long. I believe in you.

  • I don't mean this in a nebulous sense, like that it's hard to find where things are.

    But like, i find scrolling just has too much friction, especially with my small thumbs where i do a lot of flicking rather than sliding.

    Anyone else find this?
