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I just want to help!
  • In all fairness, I usually get the opposite. I grew up building DOS systems, but haven't messed with command lines in years. Decided to build an unRAID server and dip my toes into jumping to Linux. If I ever get stuck, can't find anything, and need to reach out, I usually get either "look it up" or "if you don't know, you don't need to be messing with X."

    I'll save your username...

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    ! has the most subscribers out of any community according to
  • I'm about 40 and have used them as demos for some time. There are a ton of games I've ended up buying that I never would've due to piracy. Maybe I'm all alone, but when finances are tight, I QUIT pirating games so I won't find another I love.

    Also I'm firmly in the "I bought it, so I should own it camp." I have quite a few games that I'll buy, but still use the pirated version because it doesn't need the internet, or need to spend an hour updating every time I want to play.

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    Is Rooting still as essential as it used to be?
  • What does it break? I've always had a rooted phone and outside of Google pay, have never had anything not work.

    Fixing safetynet is just another magisk module (or two, it's been so long I don't remember anymore).

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    Is Rooting still as essential as it used to be?
  • I've never had a phone that hasn't been rooted and also have always been able to use every app. Google pay might get pissy occasionally, but every banking app has always worked.

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    Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • I looked just to make sure, and it's actually 652. But only 445 are user apps.

    I wish I could say a lot are junk, but there are a solid 100+ that I consider invaluable. I probably have 10+ backup apps alone (Google photos, Amazon photos, synctoy, Swift backup, folder sync, etc). Tasker and its app tree/plugins are probably close to 10. It adds up quick.

    Then I have 7 or 8 for lemmy (waiting for one to separate from the pack), same number of news apps, and so on and so forth. My main issue is that if I have to do something more than a couple times (or need to remember to do it), I automate it. Tasker does a lot, but I have to use ifttt to do web things so I don't smoke my battery. Open with allows me to use different apps as defaults. Basically, I have 3-4 apps for every task since a single one can never handle what I want completely. I have a VPN app, but another to remote into my server. I could use just the last app, but it doesn't automatically switch to fastest VPN, so I have to use a 2nd. I have 4 file managers because Google likes to kill access to root areas, so they all go in and out of functionally.

    Long story short, multiply the number of apps you have times 6 for how many of each type I tend to have, and that'll be more accurate. But either way, yes, it's stupid. And I HATE wiping my phone because it usually takes about 2 days just to restore everything (even using rooted Swift backup).

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    Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • I seem to be like most and while I've tried tons, I've always stuck with Nova (at least since I switched from Apex).

    My main sticking point and the reason it'll be a long time before I switch? I NEED to be able to assign up/down swipes on icons. Tap opens app/folder, up swipe opens another app/folder, down swipe opens another app/folder.

    At this point my homescreen has 6 icons and within 2 touches I can get to any of my 500 apps with nearly zero scrolling. If anyone knows another launcher that can do that, I'm all ears.

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    U.S. to decide soon on GM's request to deploy cars without steering wheels
  • I do as well, but then I remember the insane amount of money and man power it takes to keep things working well (like airplanes, subs, etc) and realize exactly zero people would realistically do that. So it's great in theory, but really, really far off from being something I'd trust.
