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What are the minimum things you need to be willing to live for eternity?
  • Do you know how long it takes to do everything?

    Eternity. I doubt even with all time forever you'd be able to do everything. Our world is ever-changing, much less the wider universe.

    The one stipulation I'd put on living forever is the ability to change with the universe. Who's to say physics will even allow us to perceive reality in a few billion years, if we're stuck the way we are?

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    Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • I mean... the PO shouldn't have come in at 5:01 if they wanted it approved that day. That's just rude.

    I work in document control, so I'm sending documents between companies regularly. Often, at the end of the week someone will dump a 100+ document transmittal on us half an hour before the end of the day. And then they go home.

    You bet your ass that shit is waiting til Monday.

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    Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • I mean... you didn't say anything else, how else could you have meant it? You even complained that them leaving on time was inconvenient when someone else dumped something in their desk after working hours.

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  • Yeah, but what if I misread it? Or i forgot how much time these noodles cook for cause the noodles I cooked yesterday took 9-10 minutes.

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    Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • That is 100% not how you framed your initial comment. It was very much focused on how the workers weren't going above and beyond to work when they didn't have to.

    Sounds to me like they were reacting to a shit situation in the most appropriate way they could.

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    Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • So... they knew the value of their own time and didn't overwork when they didn't have to?

    Most office workers could probably learn from that mindset.

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    Report: Institutional Investors Will Own Over 40% of Single-Family Rental Homes by 2030
  • It takes emotion to make rash decisions based on reactionary feelings.

    If you only do things because it feels right instead of what you've thought through and understood as a rational course if action... you're doing the same thing as those who storm capital buildings cause an orange man told them to.

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    Report: Institutional Investors Will Own Over 40% of Single-Family Rental Homes by 2030
  • The problem is, if they're afraid they have the resources to do something about it. That much wealth can buy a lot of private armies. It also buys a lot of lobbyists.

    It takes more thought and planning then reacting with emotion against them. That feeds their goals just fine.
