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Schwarzenegger advises Trump on weight loss: ‘Run around yourself three times’
  • It's just a lot like Kim Jong Un or Putin, where he seriously pictures himself looking like Vin diesel. And so do his followers. All those maga flags and political comics actually give him a six pack and make him 6'5. It's gross and kind of scary.

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    internet points
  • Like the other response to this said, it's a little more complicated than "the status quo is easier" or "intelligent doesn't mean smart." This is a deeply ingrained system that's existed for a long time, and if you don't operate within it, you don't get to work in academia. You won't get to conduct your research to begin with, much less will you get to the point of publishing it without cooperating with these institutions. There are also powerful regulatory bodies like the APA and AMA who control just about everything in their field. You pretty much have to work for a university, and US universities are of course greedy and corrupt in their own right.

    It would be like unseating the DNC, ending the electoral college, and expanding the two party system in America, but on a smaller scale. Plenty of Americans know that these things need to happen, but it's not something where you can just wake up one day and make the decision to overthrow the system as long as you just try real hard.

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    Texas couple arrested for jaguar cub deal in first case charged under Big Cat Public Safety Act
  • Exactly. I never understood how everyone got on board with hating her so quickly and easily. She runs the wildlife rescue and had been fighting for a law like this for years. But everyone just believed the clown car of tiger king people when they would talk shit about her. Of course they hated her. She was trying to stop them from abusing animals for profit.

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    Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • In The Handmaid's Tale, right before Gilead takes over the US, women have to have their husbands sign off on their birth control refills. Then they all get fired from their jobs and all their money in the bank gets transferred to their husbands.

    I know it's a tired cliche to keep bringing up the Handmaid's Tale, but it just doesn't seem that far out there anymore. Especially the part where everyone just goes along with the changes and learns to live with them. Margaret Atwood based everything in the book off of real events in wold history. So there's that.

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    Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • I can never fully decide whether I think they're proud of their hypocrisy and cruelty, or whether they're just too stupid to see it. They're such shitty people that both are distinct possibilities.

    And anyway, wtf is "ideological colonization"? The language these far right crazies keep coming up with keeps getting more and more like that fake legalese that sovereign citizens use to try to sound smart.

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    Federal judge again strikes down California law banning gun magazines of more than 10 rounds
  • Well that sounds like it would be a drastic change from the status quo /s

    And anyway, CA just passed a bill to do exactly that (psychiatric commitment solely through the criminal justice system) but for any crime. It's supposed to address homelessness (?) but that kind of power will get fucked up and out of control really fast. It's like they got it backwards. God forbid they address the people with the literal murder weapons. No. Let's go punish the people without rent bills and mortgages. That makes perfect sense.

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    Biden administration announces plans to cut medical bills from credit reports
  • they needed documentation from the hospital to prove a legit medical emergency.

    Do they think people are out there taking life fights in helicopters like they're taxis? So fucking ridiculous, I'm so sorry you even had to worry about something like that.

    People who work for medical insurance companies need their heads examined. You must need a certain amount of psychopathy to get a paycheck from this kind of cruelty and then be able to sleep at night.

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    Most U.S. adults don't believe benefits of AI outweigh the risks, new survey finds
  • Seeing technology consistently putting people out of work is enough for people to see it as a problem. You shouldn't need to be an expert in it to be able to have an opinion when it's being used to threaten your source of income. Teachers have to do more work and put in more time now because ChatGPT has affected education at every level. Educators already get paid dick to work insane hours of skilled labor, and students have enough on their plates without having to spend extra time in the classroom. It's especially unfair when every student has to pay for the actions of the few dishonest ones. Pretty ironic how it's set us back technologically, to the point where we can't use the tech that's been created and implemented to make our lives easier. We're back to sitting at our desks with a pencil and paper for an extra hour a week. There's already AI "books" being sold to unknowing customers on amazon. How long will it really be until researchers are competing with it? Students won't be able to recognize the difference between real and fake academic articles. They'll spread incorrect information after stealing pieces of real studies without the authors' permission, then mash them together into some bullshit that sounds legitimate. You know there will be AP articles (written by AI) with headlines like "new study says xyz!" and people will just believe that shit.

    When the government can do its job and create fail safes like UBI to keep people's lives/livelihoods from being ruined by AI and other tech, then people might be more open to it. But the lemmy narrative that overtakes every single post about AI, that says the average person is too dumb to be allowed to have an opinion, is not only, well, fucking dumb, but also tone deaf and willfully ignorant.

    Especially when this discussion can easily go the other way, by pointing out that tech bros are too dumb to understand the socioeconomic repercussions of AI.

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    A Batman researcher said 'gay' in a talk to schoolkids. When asked to censor himself, he quit
  • They're agreeing with you by saying that no one's sexuality should be forced to be disclosed, much less should it require justification unless absolutely necessary.

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    Google accused of directing motorist to drive off collapsed bridge
  • I think more than one party can be at fault at the same time, but it also depends on the situation.

    For example. Google maps kept taking rideshare drivers to the wrong entrance of my apartment complex. When I say "wrong," I mean "nonexistent." So multiple uber drivers were literally pulling over on the side of a busy street near a freeway on ramp with no bike lane or shoulder. They'd hit their flashers and stop in the middle of the road, blocking the on ramp lane. I'm in the actual parking lot, not tracking them in the app, so I don't know they're around the corner. I had two drivers just leave. Did they let me know they were going to cancel and drive away? Fuck no. The actual parking lot and driveway is only a few yards away. If they don't pass right by it, they can at least see the driveway. I mean, come on. Use your brain.

    After the first time this happened, I tried to move the pin in the app, but it just kept sending drivers to the same place. I started texting them after they accepted the ride, but not all would see it. I contacted google and the pickup spot did change - to a back entrance on the opposite side of the complex that has no parking lot or place to stop unless you have a gate opener. For fuck's sake.

    Anyway, it's both of their faults.

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    If I forgot something, it probably wasn't important.
  • And you've written some painfully edited highly professional email to your professor or boss and the response you get back from them is a single sentence, not even a signature.

    So glad they made it such a point to teach us to write professional emails in my freshman year of college.

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    Gen Z, please talk to me: what management works and what does not?
  • Isn't it insane how managers (and professors for that matter) tend to act like you're not a person with a whole life and personality outside your job

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    Gen Z, please talk to me: what management works and what does not?
  • Does "low engagement" mean "objectively not doing the job you are paying them to do"? Or does it mean "not going 'above and beyond,' aka not working unpaid overtime or doing things outside their job description"? Because only one of these warrants letting someone go.

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    YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star
  • a de facto guilty verdict. We already saw this with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

    We only saw this with Amber Heard. Speaking of simping, Depp had an army of incels and "men's rights" douchers behind him from the get go. Anyone who had any objective comments about that whole case would get chewed out and brigaded by a bunch of insecure woman beaters standing up for poor little Johnny Depp. The worst was how everyone acted like they knew both of their lives inside and out, and they really believed that they were experts on their situation because they watched livestreamed court proceedings. It is a great example, just in the opposite direction.
