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uBlock Origin developer recommends switching to Firefox as Chrome flags the extension
  • You might be surprised! This type of change is usually automated and centralized, so an administrator shouldn't ever have to even touch any of those Chromebooks. Might be worth having a chat with your school administrators.

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    Proton just joined the AI clown car show
  • Are you saying people were obligated to select that option in the survey? This reads like you don't understand how polls work, and condescending to a stranger over an email client's customer survey results is a really weird thing to do...

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    Proton just joined the AI clown car show
  • I do just want to point out that all the other paying customers also deserve the same say as you do, and in the survey linked multiple times in this thread this feature was the second-most requested feature of the Proton team by its users. It would be obtuse of the Proton team to ignore something a full third of its users want, no?

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    'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Ah yes, some Targets getting broken into is equally as damaging and extreme as racist christofascists attempting to overthrow the government and subvert democracy multiple times. How could I be so silly as to forget.

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    Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • The Tuesday/Monday example being arbitrary is my point, glad you pointed that out. This is the casual way that I "have faith" that there is no God. In my eyes your choice of deity to worship is just as arbitrary, there are thousands of religions. The fact that some of them promise "hell" to "sinners" is not a reason for me to operate as though these things are true. There are just as many if not more spiritual practices that have nothing to do with eternal damnation, why would I operate as if any of these are the reality when they're all claiming to be The One Truth? I'm expected to pick yours just because you said so? That seems silly, and it's also silly to call this thought process "faith" I think.

    Regarding the dinosaurs, we have fossil records, and that's a bit different than "God is gonna getcha, better be a good boy, believe me bro," but I do in fact believe that Jesus existed, because we have extensive historical context and documents talking about him. As stated elsewhere this is sufficient to generally consider a person to have existed. Most historians also claim as much, and I'm not a historian so I will defer to the experts. Whether or not he is the Messiah though, and has magic powers as stated in the bible, is a much more ridiculous claim. When you tell me a reality-bending zombie that is his own father exists, the burden of proof for that claim is much higher than "Did this person exist historically?" This is the point that FlyingSquid is making, which I agree with.

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    Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • I think you're operating on a different understanding of the words 'faith' and 'belief' here. Do you believe that Tuesday comes after Monday? Do you believe the Earth orbits the Sun, or that puppies are cute? Belief in something does not require faith, faith is a specific kind of belief. This is the kind of belief I have when talking about God.

    I do not need evidence to disprove the existence of God, much the same way that I do not need the same for Dragons, or Magic, or the Flat Earth. I am not claiming these things do not exist, I am simply not going to believe they do until there is some evidence of their existence. I would suspect you do not think that I am religious in my lack of belief in dragons.

    I also do not "believe" in science. That is a misunderstanding of science, which is simply a methodology. One cannot believe in it any more than they can math. It just is.

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    I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • Do you live in an uber-HCOL area? I ordered Jets the other day and it was not nearly this expensive... I just priced out a delivery for your order and it came to $34.07 w/ taxes and fees, less tip. Even opted for the bone-in wings.

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    Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • Atheists do not have theological beliefs, atheism is characterized by a lack of religious faith. If one is lacking in faith then they cannot still have faith, that is an incoherent position.

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    376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Yeah exactly! I've been around a lot of guns in my life, have shot several different types, come from a hunting family, yadda yadda. Honestly people in general shouldn't be blanket trusted to be safe with weapons, because in my experience many of them just are not. I don't think having guns is a problem in itself, we just need to make sure people are safe. Many serious self-defense experts advocate for running or removing yourself from potentially dangerous situations before exercising violence, and I think we can carry that philosophy forward into our lawmaking.

    Something I haven't seen before that I'd like to see tried out would be some sort of required firearms training, but make it mandatory that a local certifier, a police or sheriff's liaison or something, perform the training for free to citizens. I think if we had police doing it that might be a chance to foster some good will with the community, do some regular humanizing type stuff. No infringement of anyone's rights, and I also get what I want in more safe gun owners.

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    376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Your framing of people who are concerned about gun violence as "the anti-self defense crowd" is very disingenuous. No one is anti-self defense.

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    Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election
  • Personally, I feel that preventing fascist traitor scum from installing a dictator and subjugating the democracy would give me more trust in my government. The state would not have to justify that action to me, that is perfectly just already.

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    U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel
  • Not only did I not make excuses for them but I agreed with you in that it's a bad deal. I'm not sure you need to remind anyone that Israel is killing Palestinian people in a thread about Israel killing Palestinian people.

    I was just saying that the current administration is behaving differently than the previous ones, albeit not by much.

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    U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel
  • Hi there. I did some reading on the deal and I'm not very happy they're rolling out this package, I was hoping they would be more firm. However it looks like, should this deal go through, the equipment won't be delivered for at least 2-3 years according to the AP. In that regard I do feel hopeful that Israel won't be able to use these items against the people of Gaza, provided they can come to some sort of ceasefire.

    If we're still examining this in the context of the election, I don't believe this is enough cause for me to vote for Trump or another party. The Republicans want to nuke Gaza, so my perspective is that we have to do what we can to ensure the least harm possible comes to civilians, which means preventing them from leading our government. I don't see another candidate who will be both able to defeat Trump and to single-handedly shift the US foreign policy apparatus, but I am all ears if that person does exist and I've just missed them somehow.
