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Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • My .02? There's a large swath of "conservative" women who like the idea of going to church, being a stay-at-home mom, and having a husband that goes to work every day and provides for them. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that life.

    But what they found out is the guys espousing that lifestyle actually want to treat their wife as property. There was a solid 30 years of momentum building around "maybe I don't want to have a two-income household, maybe I just want to be a mom". Unfortunately, while the women were thinking "we're partners in this household, I take care of the meals and the kids, you take care of making money" - the dudes were thinking "I own you, you do what I want, I do what I want, if you talk back, I'll put you in your place".

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    Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate
  • a federal abortion ban as president, despite his statements denying support for these things

    They straight up asked him the question, and he refused to answer it. So, she didn't tell a "half truth" - he literally refused to say he would veto a national ban when directly given the opportunity to do so.

    As for project 2025, it's his playbook. Whether or not he will specifically call it that, doesn't change the fact it's how he wants to dismantle the federal government.

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    "The Newspaper of Record"
  • That’s exactly why he’s complaining. He knows they’ll pull this shit so they can claim to be fair. He may be an idiot, but he’s an expert at manipulating the press.

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    Even now it's hard to tell
  • You haven't been looking hard enough, and hollywood doesn't cast them anymore. I work with someone who is 23 and looks like she's 38, I expect she's going to look the exact same age for the next 25 years.

    Hair cuts and clothing also make a huge difference. They had her dressed like a late 80s mom.

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    Donald Trump says he's "entitled" to personally attack Kamala Harris
  • Yeah, but she's simultaneously so powerful that she convinced several elected officials in New York to risk prison time by attacking one of her political opponents in exchange for...? Nothing? And oh by the way, he wasn't her actual political opponent when the prosecution started, 4D chess over there.

    But also so stupid she couldn't pass the bar exam and can't form a complete sentence without a teleprompter.

    Get with it folks!

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    Think about it
  • After the civil war completes, Emperor Walz declares the entire nation will now be known as Minnesota in a show of unification to the rest of the world.

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    Kamala Harris economic plan to focus on groceries, housing and healthcare
  • Go back to mother Russia. Just off the top of my head with 30 seconds of thinking about it and no research:

    Obama: Implemented "Obamacare" allowing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions to get affordable healthcare for the first time.

    Biden: Limits on predatory interest rates across the board. Limited Insulin prices.

    Both of them have actively gone after people and businesses ripping of medicare which universally helps the working class through better care and lower taxes.

    But sure, they've done NOTHING for the working class.

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    Introducing Proton Duo: Unlimited privacy for two
  • Yes, because the infrastructure that Proton hosts their service on is "infinite". Everyone knows that Amazon charges the same price to reserve one instance of EC2 as they charge for reserving 10,000.

    What exactly do you think the "cloud" is composed of? Fairy dust? It's composed of all sorts of finite things - servers, storage, networking, electricity, etc. etc. etc.

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    Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes
  • In the meantime fuck diabetic people, am I right?

    Student loan forgiveness with no other action is completely counter-productive. Just like allowing drug companies to charge anything they want for Insulin, and then just having the government pay them is completely counter-productive. The answer to spiraling insulin prices (when not due to a shortage of some key ingredient) is to cap prices, not just pay whatever ransom drug companies are asking.

    College costs have spiraled out of control because laws were passed to prevent you from escaping student loan debt through bankruptcy. From a lender perspective there's almost no risk to giving students as much money as they want to borrow. Colleges in turn realized they could just keep raising prices because students could "afford" pretty much any tuition price through loans. If you just "forgive" all student loan debt, you'll just encourage colleges to jack up prices even more. Why not? Come one come all, the government is going to foot whatever the bill ends up being!

    If you're going to forgive student debt, it needs to come with 3 things:

    • A hard cap on public university tuition tracking inflation
    • Student loans need to go back to being forgiven as a part of bankruptcy.
    • A long-term plan to make public universities "free"

    You want to find a middle ground with conservatives? Make tuition free for the occupations we have a shortage of to encourage people to go to school for a degree in which there will be a job waiting when they're done.

    We need more teachers? Teaching degrees are free for the next decade. You want to be a marine biologist? You pay whatever the (reasonable) capped state tuition is.

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    Introducing Proton Duo: Unlimited privacy for two
  • Welcome to literally everything? It's called volume-based discount. Just like if you buy a box of cookies from the grocery store, you'll pay a fuckton more than if you buy a pallet of cookies from the exact same company.

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    Hot off the presses
  • The thing with the F-35 is you'll never actually hear about it being "better" because there is no dogfight. It shows up, you die, that's it. In the real-world it would be like one guy showing up to a boxing ring to fight, and the other guy dropping a nuclear bomb on the stadium. The whole point of 5th gen fighters is that they don't engage, they have so much technology that they blow up the opponent before the opponent even knows they showed up.

    Meanwhile, Russia's "5th gen" fighters can't get near the airspace because they both don't have the proper smart munitions, and don't have the physical capabilities to fly into an area blanketed in US AA weapons.

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    'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping
  • I mean, the dude is nearly as addicted to social media as Musk so it's entirely possible he'll read their tweets. But take their advice? Yeah, no, the guy is a narcissist, he doesn't need advice from anyone.

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    House Republican Rips ‘DEI Hire’ Kamala Harris: ‘What About White Females?’
  • What happened to white women? Well, she ran for office and you claimed she was unfit for office because women are emotionally unstable and something about emails that magically disappeared as soon as Ivanka got caught ACTUALLY deleting emails.

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  • To be fair. His farming ventures have moved his opinion on climate in a positive direction.

    But have they? His insistence at this point is that he doesn't have to do anything, or change anything, science will "solve the issue". Nothing better than someone who thinks any mess they make can be cleaned up by someone else so why bother trying to make any changes that makes your life slightly less convenient?

    He added: ‘I won’t drive a Tesla. I’ve got probably 10 cars, all with V8 engines. I don’t think electric cars solve anything. Science is going to be needed here, not politics. Science will solve it eventually. Always does.’

    To be fair. His farming ventures have moved his opinion on climate in a positive direction.

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    Stop panicking. Replacing Biden on ballots isn't a problem.
  • Apparently states that do that are being naughty/cutting corners.

    This is like the "millions of dead people voting". It's not a thing. There are no states that do this. There's no reason to, it takes days to print ballots, not 4 months.

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    Stop panicking. Replacing Biden on ballots isn't a problem.
  • They'll be violating several of their own state laws, and federal law if they do so. I know it's easy to go with the "but Trump gets away with everything" - reality is our elections to date have been free and fair and there's no indication that's going to change. The folks that own the elections by and large actually care about democracy. His fake electors scheme failed for a reason, and it wasn't just dumb luck.

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    ‘The Russian society isn’t prepared’: The Kremlin fears ‘public discontent’ and a rise in crime as soldiers returning from the war in Ukraine fail to adapt to civilian life
  • has a critical shortage of psychologists trained to treat PTSD.

    Huh, a country whose entire persona is based on the idea that any man who needs any help with anything is weak and feeble has a shortage of folks trained in how to actually help men who need serious help. SHOCKING.
