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BSD Vs. Linux
  • I use it every day. On my MacBook running MacOS 😬

    Seriously though, I tried putting FreeBSD on my Linux laptop a few years ago and it was not a fun time. Reminded me a lot of running Linux on desktop in the 2000s when I first discovered Linux.

    I'm rooting for them though. I like the idea of keeping development and documentation so tightly integrated and maintained by a single dedicated company.

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    Which one are you reaching for today?
  • I just picked up the latest version of "Copying and Pasting". This edition discusses copying and pasting from various AIs. Looking forward to digging in

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    Music concerts should get quieter
  • If we're talking about the kind of bikes that are so loud you can hear them from 5 blocks away, god yes. I wish severe harm on every selfish tryhard fuckwit that drives one.

    Motorcycles with a proper muffler on them can stay though.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • We think about that a lot here in DC as politicians from generic Midwestern shitholes dictate local city policy to us 😭

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    Microsoft’s Recall AI feature won’t be available for Windows testers until October
  • Time to leave Windows already. It's been a broken mess for so long. Literally decades. One of my first jobs when I was a teenager in the 2000s was fixing electronics, often Windows computers. It was a broken mess back then too.

    The alternatives are good. Desktop Linux works pretty well out of the box last time I used a Linux laptop as my daily driver. If specific software you need isn't supported there's undoubtedly an open source alternative, or a web app. Most browsers let you "install" web apps now too. I used the full MS Office suite for years as installed web apps.

    Macs are expensive up front but they last forever and are rock solid with security and stability. I never have to fuss with mine, and there's almost definitely a Mac version of whatever specific software you need on Windows.

    Everything runs some form of UNIX now. Stop wasting time with Microsoft's ancient 25 year old NT kernel and the broken (and now spyware) OS they built on top of it.

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    Trump Launches ‘The DeFiant Ones’ Cryptocurrency Platform for Financial Inclusion
  • Sounds like all the usual catchphrases for crypto. What will this platform do that existing ones don't already do? Details are nonexistent as with all Trump plans, so my guess is "absolutely nothing". Just another grift to pay his legal bills.

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    Harris supports a 44.6% tax on Americans for selling their homes: Report
  • "Seek the truth" lmao what a load. Dude posted obvious bullshit and is getting made fun of for it. The proposal was misrepresented in the article, it takes seconds to "seek the truth", you're in front of a fucking computer. Here, I'll even do it for you:


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    Transgender Texans blocked from changing their sex on their driver’s license
  • As long as they don't hurt your feelings or make you angry by their very existence, then yeah that seems pretty normal. There's a big difference between "I'd like to see those genitals" and "I'd like to control those genitals" ya know lol

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    Google Play will no longer pay to discover vulnerabilities in Android apps
  • I used to switch between Android and iPhone every few years, but I've been on iPhone for the last 4 years and I'm probably going to buy another one in September.

    I'd love to switch back to Android, but I just don't trust Google anymore. They've all but killed custom ROMs, they have a terrible record for maintaining their products, Android Wear is a joke, and now they're killing this?

    We need a third option. I like Apple and iPhone well enough but I'm bored.

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    Harris supports a 44.6% tax on Americans for selling their homes: Report
  • posts bullshit claim from bullshit source

    Admits it

    Mock others for questioning and demanding evidence before believing anything

    Your only mistake was admitting you knew it was bullshit. Otherwise you're following the playbook pretty flawlessly

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    Republicans when Kamala comes out smiling in a tan suit
  • What made you think this was relevant to the conversation? We're talking about things Republicans fabricated to attack Obama. Him using more drones than any other president to kill brown people was a good thing for them.

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    Trump Insists He’s “Extremely Normal” During Incredibly Weird Speech
  • Well said. Everyone is at least a little weird, and it's pretty relatable feeling. But when your whole lifestyle is based around conformity and hatred of non conformers, it becomes a grave insult.

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    Justice Department considering push for historic break up of Google after landmark antitrust ruling: report
  • Brendan Eich worked really hard to turn himself into just another tech bro incel but Brave is a really good browser and the engineers deserve to not have their accomplishments overshadowed by a weird adult obsessed with other people's genitals.

    They created a novel and interesting approach to ads with their BAT token and Brave is probably the most private browser you can get if you're stuck with Chromium browsers.

    As often as I've tried to switch to Firefox I always end up encountering issues and going back to Brave. I wish he'd step down so Brave can shine without his bullshit whining hanging over them.

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    "Does astrology work? We tested the ability of 152 astrologers"
  • Normally I'd agree with you but I really don't think we need empirical data to prove that the time of year someone is born in doesn't affect their personality decades later, or that the position of celestial bodies relative to another doesn't cause anyone to have "bad luck" (whatever the fuck that means in scientific terms)

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    A packed Baltimore trolley illustrates the ups and downs of US public transit.
  • I might dislike the stress of driving more than your average car fucker, but I'll take the crowded bus over freeway traffic any day.

    Actually, I'd probably take neither. When the metro here in DC gets too crowded I usually just stop and get a drink or dinner. It gets me out and exploring new parts of the city and I can drink all I like since I don't have to get my stupid car home later.

    That's a kind of freedom you will never get with a car.

  • So much politics going on in this map.

    The eternal UK 🤝 Portugal alliance and the awkward space it creates between them.

    Spain and Poland are in the same timezones.

    The weird corridor created by Belarus.

    Ukraine is in a separate tz from Russia, I wonder when that was established

    What the hell is going on with the light blue in the east?

    38 Putin prepares to defend his regime by equipping Rosgvardia with tanks — Ukrainian intelligence

    Russian dictator Vladimir Putin prepares for future insurrections within Russia by supplying Rosgvardia (Russia’s National Guard) with tanks, according to Ukrainian Military Intelligence spokesman Andriy Yusov.
