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  • Push it as an issue on their GitHub. 👍

    Just tag it as an enhancement!

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    [ NEW BETA RELEASE ] | Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight | 0.1.0(147) - 2023-07-07
  • So funny you say that, in the latest update the “MlemmyGrad” icon was removed, the default “Mlem” icon was made brighter and a new icon “Funny Conductor Lem” was added.

    I don’t know why “MlemmyGrad” was axed though… Maybe failed he’s classes and didn’t graduate after all…? 🤨😅

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    [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - Community Open Again! - 2023-07-06
  • Awesome can’t wait to see it! :)

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    [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - Community Open Again! - 2023-07-06
  • Wondered what happened to BrooklynMan, was stalking your GitHub and knew there was more drama behind the scenes with the original developer leaving and now this, hopefully you guys can catch a break. As it doesn’t give people the most confidence, either way I’m loving Mlem! :)

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    The Elder Scrolls 6 Still 'Five+ Years Away', PlayStation Version Undecided - IGN
  • We know ES6 won’t be on PlayStation, Xbox don’t want to miss that exclusive content opportunity for one of the biggest ever game launches behind what GTA6 will be

  • Everything New in iOS 17 Beta 2

    Apple today released the second beta of upcoming iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 updates to developers for testing purposes, and like all new betas for a major...
